Lita PubSub

PubSub notification system for Lita, ported from Hubot PubSub.

Build Status Coverage Status


lita-pubsub allows you to build a simple, yet powerful monitoring / notification system using your corporate chat. Simply subscribe events in appropriate chat rooms and publish info about these events via HTTP calls or from other Lita handlers when they happen.

              Lita PubSub Event Flow

+--------------+ +--------------+ +---------------+
| Lita handler | | HTTP Request | | chat message  |<--+
+-------+------+ +-------+------+ +-------+-------+   |
        |                |                |           |
        |                v                |           |
        |        +-------------+          |           |
        +------->| lita-pubsub |<---------+           |
                 +-------+-----+                      |
                         |                            |
                         v                            |
                 +--------------+                     |
             +---+     Lita     +---+                 |
             |   +--------------+   |                 |
             |                      |                 |
             v                      v                 |
       +---------------+  +---------------+           |
       |  chatroom #1  |  |  chatroom #2  +-----------+
       +---------------+  +---------------+

How It Works

$ bundle exec lita start
Type "exit" or "quit" to end the session.
Lita > lita help pubsub
Lita: all subscriptions - pubsub: shows all subscriptions
Lita: subscriptions - pubsub: shows current room subscriptions
Lita: subscribers [of] EVENT - pubsub: shows rooms subscribed to EVENT
Lita: subscribe EVENT - pubsub: subscribes room to event. subscribe to
`unsubscribed.event` to debug missing events.
Lita: unsubscribe EVENT - pubsub: subscribes current channel to event
Lita: unsubscribe all events - pubsub: unsubscribes current channel from all
Lita: publish EVENT DATA - pubsub: publishes DATA to EVENT subscribers
Lita > lita subscriptions
Subscriptions for shell: []
Lita > lita subscribe jenkins
Subscribed shell to jenkins events
# You would normally use HTTP API at lita:8080/publish for same result
Lita > lita publish Build #12141 failed!
**: Build #12141 failed!
Lita > lita publish nothing emptiness
Lita > lita subscribe unsubscribed.event
Subscribed shell to unsubscribed.event events
Lita > lita publish nothing emptiness
*unsubscribed.event*: nothing: emptiness
Lita > lita subscribers of jenkins
Subscribers of jenkins: ["shell"]


Add lita-pubsub to your Lita instance's Gemfile:

gem "lita-pubsub"


# lita_config.rb

Lita.configure do |config|
  # optional password protection
  config.handlers.pubsub.http_password = 's3cr3t'


lita subscribe <event>        # subscribes current room to event
lita unsubscribe <event>      # unsubscribes current room from event
lita unsubscribe all events   # unsubscribes current room from all events
lita subscriptions            # show subscriptions of current room
lita subscribers of <event>   # shows which rooms subscribe to event
lita all subscriptions        # show all existing subscriptions
lita publish <event> <data>   # triggers event


GET /publish?event=<event>&data=<text>[&password=<password>]
POST /publish
  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Body: { "password": "optional", "event": "event", "data": "text" }

Event Namespaces

Lita PubSub uses . as event namespace separator. I.e.: subscribing to x.y also subscribes to x.y.* events.

Handling unsubscribed events

Do lita subscribe unsubscribed.event in a room where you want all unrouted events to get announced.


HTTP password protection is trivial, and should not be used in public networks.