Lita Inspirebot Handler

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lita-inspirebot is a handler for Lita that replies with a set of inspirational quotes.


Add lita-inspirebot to your Lita instance's Gemfile:

gem "lita-inspirebot"


You > quote authors
Lita > I know about the following authors: branson, jobs, tesla. To hear quotes, type QUOTE {AUTHOR}
You > quote jobs!
Lita > My favorite things in life don't cost any money. It's really clear that the most precious resource we all have is time.


RingCentral SMSbot Developer Accounts

In addition to standard routes, this handler also supports routes for building SMSbots using RingCentral's developer sandbox accounts.


Inspirebot for Lita is available under an MIT-style license. See LICENSE.txt for details.

Inspirebot for Lita © 2016 by John Wang