
Build Status Coverage Status

This Lita handler is used to scrape data from ESPN's Fantasy Football Site. Right now, it is very limited, so PRs are very welcome!


Add lita-espn-fantasy-football to your Lita instance's Gemfile:

gem 'lita-espn-fantasy-football'


Set your league_id, and optionally season_id (defaults to 2017). If you'd like league activity regularly reported, specify an activity_room. The interval is configurable via activity_interval (defaults to 15 minutes).

Lita.configure do |config|
  config.handlers.espn_fantasy_football.league_id = '123456'
  config.handlers.espn_fantasy_football.season_id = '2017'
  config.handlers.espn_fantasy_football.activity_room = 'general'
  config.handlers.espn_fantasy_football.activity_interval = 900


Searching for a Player

Search for a player by last name

Lita: player manning

| player           | team | position | owner | projection | note |
| Peyton Manning   | Den  | QB       | RG3   | 17         |      |
| Eli Manning      | NYG  | QB       | CALI  | 17         |      |
| Mario Manningham | NYG  | WR       | FA    | --         |      |

Checking the scoreboard

Get this week's scoreboard

Lita: score

| team                          | score |
| The Prime Rib Special         | 66    |
| Wouldn't it be great if I won | 147   |
|                               |       |
| Genghis is my real name       | 60    |
| Miles is a better real name   | 104   |
|                               |       |
| Is Keith still alive?         | 71    |
| Minnesota State Faircatch     | 108   |
|                               |       |

Get any week's scoreboard

Lita: score 3

| team                          | score |
| Is Keith still alive?         | 72    |
| Miles is a better real name   | 71    |
|                               |       |
| Genghis is my real name       | 97    |
| Wouldn't it be great if I won | 62    |
|                               |       |
| The Prime Rib Special         | 119   |
| Minnesota State Faircatch     | 107   |
|                               |       |

See recent league activity

See recent trades, adds, drops, etc.

Lita: activity

:wrench: Renamed team The Prime Rib Special to The SubPrime Rib Special.
:green_heart: REED added *Kai Forbath*, NO K from Free Agency to Bench
:broken_heart: REED dropped *Martellus Bennett*, Chi TE to Waivers