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lita-digitalocean is a handler plugin for Lita that manages DigitalOcean services.


Add lita-digitalocean to your Lita instance's Gemfile:

gem "lita-digitalocean"


Required attributes

  • client_id (String) - The client ID for the account to manage.
  • api_key (String) - The API key for the account to manage.


Lita.configure do |config|
  config.handlers.digitalocean.client_id = "BdCsMEJYPv2tu7xQtLRB3"
  config.handlers.digitalocean.api_key = "3df020a0441731e5ca47243b5515cbb7"


To use any of the DigitalOcean commands, the user sending the message must be in the :digitalocean_admins authorization group.

Domain commands

Not yet implemented. Coming soon!

Droplet commands

Not yet implemented. Coming soon!

Image commands

Not yet implemented. Coming soon!

Region commands

Not yet implemented. Coming soon!

SSH key commands

To add a new SSH key and get back its ID:

Lita: do ssh keys add NAME PUBLIC_KEY

To delete an SSH key by its ID:

Lita: do ssh keys delete ID

To edit the name and/or public key of an existing SSH key:

Lita: do ssh keys edit ID [name=NAME] [public_key=PUBLIC_KEY]

To list the names and IDs of all SSH keys:

Lita: do ssh keys list

To show the name and public key of an SSH key by ID:

Lita: do ssh keys show ID

Size commands

Not yet implemented. Coming soon!
