
This Gem i use it in my work. it have collect code list or common script.

How to use it

gem install lioooo_utils

require 'lioooo_utils'

LiooooLogger = :lioooo,'/tmp' #new instance with log parent directory '/tmp/lioooo_log.log' '--> it's ok with lioooo_utils' # will log to /tmp/lioooo_log.log log file

you can call shell command

like this:

require 'lioooo_utils'

LiooooLogger = :lioooo,'/tmp' #new instance with log parent directory '/tmp/lioooo_log.log'

LiooooLogger.shell_exec! 'echo ok' # this will can shell `echo` command

you can check is runtime machine in lan

require 'lioooo_utils'

LiooooLogger.is_dev? # this will check runtime machine in lan return ***0*** or ***nil***

you can gen sig for some code like this

require 'lioooo_utils'

LiooooUtils::SigCheck.makeSig('get',"/api/user",{:name=>'lioooo'},"appkey"); #=> 9yX6wvZOdxorfjmQtlG8n7cX+zo

you can get current os user name

require 'lioooo_utils'

LiooooUtils.username #=> mile001

you can get current os type like: linux,windows,macosx,unix

require 'lioooo_utils'

LiooooUtils.os #=> macosx
LiooooUtils.is_mac? #=> true
LiooooUtils.is_linux? #=> false
LiooooUtils.is_win? #=> false