Linux Provision

Library and thor tasks for provisioning of Linux computer initial setup for Ruby/Rails development

vagrant box add precise64
vagrant init precise64

vagrant up
vagrant reload
vagrant provision

vagrant suspend
vagrant halt
vagrant destroy
vagrant box remove precise64

vagrant ssh

ssh [email protected] -p 2222

vagrant ssh

cd /vagrant

rake db:dev:reset


ASSET_HOST= rails s

and then access it from the browser within host computer:

vagrant package --vagrantfile Vagrantfile --output


docker is an open-source project that makes creating and managing Linux containers really easy. Containers are like extremely lightweight VMs – they allow code to run in isolation from other containers but safely share the machine’s resources, all without the overhead of a hypervisor.

docker containers can boot extremely fast (in milliseconds!) which gives you unprecedented flexibility in managing load across your cluster. For example, instead of running chef on each of your VMs, it’s faster and more reliable to have your build system create a container and launch it on the appropriate number of CoreOS hosts. When these containers start, they can signal your proxy (via etcd) to start sending them traffic.


  • Download and install VirtualBox for OSX

  • Install boot2docker and docker via homebrew:
brew install boot2docker

Docker will be installed as an dependency.

Initialize boot2docker virtual machine:

boot2docker init

Update .bash_profile file:

export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://

Start the docker daemon:

boot2docker up

or down:

boot2docker down

ssh it:

boot2docker ssh

# User: docker
# Pwd:  tcuser

Download the small base image named busybox:

docker pull busybox
docker pull ubuntu
docker pull centos

Run and test as separate command:

docker run -t -i ubuntu /bin/bash

and interactively:

docker run -t -i ubuntu /bin/bash
docker build -t demo docker/demo
docker run -p 49160:8080 -d busybox