== About

Linkize discovers and parses URLs within normal text. It does this in a way
similar to Adium, with both fully-qualified and more intelligent link parsing.

== Basic Usage

Creating links:
require 'linkize'
"You should see example.com.".recognize_links
=> 'You should see <a href="http://example.com">example.com</a>.'

With custom formatting and in-place replacement:
"You should see example.com.".recognize_links! do |normalized, raw|
"#raw (#normalized)"
=> 'You should see example.com (http://example.com).'

Just finding links:
text = "A cool website: example.com"
# => [#<URI::Generic:0x32dd4 uri:example.com>]

== Documentation

Documentation is supplied using RDoc. Check out the doc/ directory.

== Issues
Please let me know via the RubyForge tracker or email about any bugs you
find. Even better by letting me know with a spec test. Even better than that
is letting me know with a spec test and a patch. Thanks!

== Requirements

You'll need the RSpec gem to run the spec tests.


* Use +memoize+ to cache found URIs, to keep from regexing more than once
* Optionally crawl links using +hpricot+ and return relevant images and
descriptive text.

== Author

Phillip Calvin <[email protected]>

== License

This library is licensed under the Ruby License, for maximum compatibility
with other Ruby software. See the LICENSE file for details.