
Code Climate

Ruby gem generating image thumbnails from a given URL. Rank them and give you back an object containing images and website informations. Works like Facebook link previewer.

Demo Application is here !


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'link_thumbnailer'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install link_thumbnailer


$ rails g link_thumbnailer:install

This will add link_thumbnailer.rb to config/initializers/. See #Configuration for more details.


Run irb and require the gem:

require 'rails'
 => true

require 'link_thumbnailer'
 => true

This gem can handle Opengraph protocol. Here is an example with such a website:

object = LinkThumbnailer.generate('')
 => #<LinkThumbnailer::Object description="Go beyond the résumé - showcase your work and your talent" image="" images=[""] site_name="" title="Join Me on Zerply" url="">

=> true
=> "Join Me on Zerply"

=> true
=> ""
=> false
=> nil

Now with a regular website with no particular protocol:

object = LinkThumbnailer.generate('')
 => #<LinkThumbnailer::Object description=nil images=[[ JPEG 750x200 750x200+0+0 DirectClass 8-bit 45kb] scene=0] title="" url="">

 => ""

 => [[ JPEG 750x200 750x200+0+0 DirectClass 8-bit 45kb]

 => #<URI::HTTP:0x007ff7a923ef58 URL:>

 => {"url"=>"", "images"=>[{:source_url=>"", :mime_type=>"image/jpeg", :rows=>200, :filesize=>46501, :number_colors=>9490}], "title"=>"", "description"=>nil}

 => "{\"url\":\"\",\"images\":[{\"source_url\":\"\",\"mime_type\":\"image/jpeg\",\"rows\":200,\"filesize\":46501,\"number_colors\":9490}],\"title\":\"\",\"description\":null}"

You can check whether this object is valid or not (set mandatory attributes in the initializer, defaults are [url, title, images])

=> true

You also can set options at runtime:

object = LinkThumbnailer.generate('', top: 10, limit: 20, redirect_limit: 5)

Preview Controller

For an easy integration into your application, use the builtin PreviewController.

Take a look at the demo application here.

Basically, all you have to do in your view is something like this:

<%= form_tag '/link/preview', method: :post, remote: true do %>
    <%= text_field_tag :url %>
    <%= submit_tag 'Preview' %>
<% end %>

Don't forget to add this anywhere in your routes.rb file:


Note: You won't have to bother with this if you did run the installer using:

$ rails g link_thumbnailer:install

The PreviewController will automatically respond to json calls, returning json version of the preview object. Just like in the IRB console above.


In config/initializers/link_thumbnailer.rb

LinkThumbnailer.configure do |config|
  # Set mandatory attributes require for the website to be valid.
  # You can set `strict` to false if you want to skip this validation.
  # config.mandatory_attributes = %w(url title image)

  # Whether you want to validate given website against mandatory attributes or not.
  # config.strict = true

  # Numbers of redirects before raising an exception when trying to parse given url.
  # config.redirect_limit = 3

  # List of blacklisted urls you want to skip when searching for images.
  # config.blacklist_urls = [
  #   %r{^http://ad\.doubleclick\.net/},
  #   %r{^http://b\.scorecardresearch\.com/},
  #   %r{^http://pixel\.quantserve\.com/},
  #   %r{^http://s7\.addthis\.com/}
  # ]

  # Fetch 10 images maximum.
  # config.limit = 10

  # Return top 5 images only.
  # = 5

  # Set user agent
  # config.user_agent = 'linkthumbnailer'

  # Enable or disable SSL verification
# config.verify_ssl = true

  # HTTP open_timeout: The amount of time in seconds to wait for a connection to be opened.
  # config.http_timeout = 5



  • Implements OpenGraph protocol.
  • Find images and sort them according to how well they represent what the page is about (includes absolute images).
  • Sort images based on their size and color.
  • Blacklist some well known advertisings image urls.
  • Routes and Controllers to handle preview generation

Coming soon:

  • Use the gem ruby-readability to parse images and website information
  • Cache results on filesystem


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Run the specs (bundle exec rspec spec)
  4. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  5. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  6. Create new Pull Request
