
CLI to Imgur, letting you upload and delete images.

If you've got scrot installed, you can also take a screenshot and upload it in one command.


Usage: limgur [options]
    -u, --upload                     Upload via image or URL
    -d, --delete                     Delete an image via hash
    -s, --scrot                      Take a screenshot then upload it
    -h, --help                       Show this message
    -v, --version                    Show version


  • Allow scrot'n to a directory without specifying a filename (eg. limgur -s ~/images/)
  • Accept scrot options while scrot'n (eg. limgur -s -c -d 3 ~/images/wat.png)

Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Danny Tatom, 2010 James Pearson. See LICENSE for details.