
A simple client.


Clone the repo, install the gem, run the binary. It's that simple.

git clone

cd lily
gem build lily.gemspec
gem install lily-*gem # Install the gem

lily init # Initialize :)


What's a CLI without usage docs? A bad one. Below you'll find out how Lily can be used. Keep in mind, you can reference every command Lily has with lily help. You can find out what version of Lily you are running with lily version or lily --version.

Initializing and Resetting

Initializing Lily is very easy. Just run lily init, log in with LastFM, and you're set. There may be cases where a URL cannot be opened natively, in that case, run lily init --no-open and you can open the URL manually, which will work the same way. If you are having trouble, or want to move to a new account, just run lily reset to start over and re-initialize with lily init as usual.


Lily's scrobbling feature is very useful, particularly for scrobbling things that can't be scrobbled automatically. For example, when you listen to a vinyl, a CD, that song you really like on the radio, or just something that bugged out and didn't scrobble. Here's how you do that:

Scrobbling Songs

Lily can simply and easily scrobble any individual song for you, assuming you just finished listening to it.

Syntax: lily scrobble song (<song> <artist>) [<album>]


lily scrobble song "Here Comes the Sun" "The Beatles" # scrobbles Here Comes the Sun from Abbey Road, the most popular album it is on
lily scrobble song "Here Comes the Sun" "The Beatles" "The Beatles Ballads" # if you're a hipster, you can optionally specify the exact album you're listening to the song on

Scrobbling Albums

Scrobbling albums with Lily is really awesome. If the --live flag is not included, Lily will automatically start your album in the past, as if you just finished listening to the whole thing, and then scrobble the album track by track, just like you listened to it. On the other hand, if the --live flag is included, it will scrobble tracks in the future, as if you just started listening to the whole album.

Syntax: lily scrobble album (<album> <artist> | <eponymous album>) [--live]


lily scrobble album "The Beatles" "The White Album" # scrobble the white album by its unofficial fan name
lily scrobble album "The Beatles" # scrobble album by its officially eponymous name, and save a few keystrokes

Loving and Unloving

Lily can love and unlove songs and albums for you as well. The syntax to this is very similar to the syntax for scrobbling songs and albums, just with love or unlove instead of scrobble.

Syntax for songs: lily (love | unlove) song (<song> <artist>) [<album>]

Syntax for albums: lily (love | unlove) album (<album> <artist> | <eponymous album>)


lily love album "The Beatles"
lily unlove album "The Beatles" "Abbey Road"

lily love song "Here Comes the Sun" "The Beatles" "The Beatles Ballads"
lily unlove song "Here Comes the Sun" "The Beatles"


Lily can give you information on users, albums, and songs.

Syntax for songs: lily info song (<song> <artist>) [<album>]

Syntax for albums: lily info album (<album> <artist> | <eponymous album>)

Syntax for users: lily info user <username>


lily info song "Here Comes the Sun" "The Beatles"
lily info song "Here Comes the Sun" "The Beatles" "The Beatles Ballads"

lily info album "The Beatles"
lily info album "The Beatles" "The White Album"

lily info user "soodologica"
lily info user "jshtrmml"