

Warning: This is a brand new gem currently, and is likely to undergo significant changes in the near future. It also does not include any help with finding your bridge's IP address, or getting an API user set up, you'll have to figure that out yourself. Support for those features is coming soon.

Lightscape is an API wrapper for the Phillips Hue light bulb bridge. The goal of this library is to simplify some of the API and make it easier to manage scenes and lighting presets programatically. There is also an existing gem (Hue)[] that is a more direct adapter for the same API.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'lightscape'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install lightscape


Specify which bridge you'd like to use via environment:

export BRIDGE=

Specify a user or use the default "rubyclient"

export HUE_USER="myusername"

Find a light, and change it:

light = Lightscape::Light.find(1)
light.color = :blue
light.brightness = 255 # Range of (0..255), 0 is _NOT_ off
light.transition_time = 10 # 10 = (10 * 100ms) or 1 second
light.update! # Raises the JSON string on failure, or returns true

light.on! # Turn on immediately! # Turn off immediately


In order to get a basic pass at this going, color support is limited to pre-set colors. This will definitely change as the gem develops.

See Lightscape::COLORS.keys for a list of colors

Coming Soon:

  • Setup flow (Currently, you must create a user manually)
  • Better methods for setting bridge, user config options
  • More colors, and a way to specify your own
  • CLI
  • Alerting
  • Better access to current attributes
  • Ability to create/load presets that describe light settings, then apply them to lights by name
  • Ability to create/load a "scene" using presets mentioned


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request