Module: LIFX::Protocol::Device Private

Defined in:

This module is part of a private API. You should avoid using this module if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.

Defined Under Namespace

Modules: Service Classes: GetInfo, GetLabel, GetMcuRailVoltage, GetMeshFirmware, GetMeshInfo, GetPanGateway, GetPower, GetResetSwitch, GetTagLabels, GetTags, GetTime, GetVersion, GetWifiFirmware, GetWifiInfo, Reboot, SetLabel, SetPower, SetSite, SetTagLabels, SetTags, SetTime, StateInfo, StateLabel, StateMcuRailVoltage, StateMeshFirmware, StateMeshInfo, StatePanGateway, StatePower, StateResetSwitch, StateTagLabels, StateTags, StateTime, StateVersion, StateWifiFirmware, StateWifiInfo