

Liebre stands for hare in spanish.

This is a gem that handles RabbitMQ consumers, publishers and RPCs, based on bunny.

  • It allows to create classes that will be invoked everytime a message it's received in its subscribed queue.
  • It handles RPCs as a special Consumer where a callback message is returned to the exchange.
  • You can use its Publisher to send message to an exchange.
  • There is also a Publisher RPC method to send a message and wait for its response.


It is based on 2 config files:

  • rabbitmq.yml: it contains RabbitMQ connection configurations and can be enviroment dependant (default path config/rabbitmq.yml), it must contain, at least the default connection
    • without environment set: default: :host: localhost :port: 5672 :user: guest :pass: guest :vhost: / :threaded: true :heartbeat: 2
    • with environment set: ``` development: default: :host: localhost :port: 5672 :user: guest :pass: guest :vhost: / :threaded: true :heartbeat: 2 rpc: :host: localhost :port: 5672 :user: guest :pass: guest :vhost: rpc :threaded: true :heartbeat: 2 test: default: :host: localhost :port: 5672 :user: guest :pass: guest :vhost: / :threaded: true :heartbeat: 2 rpc: :host: localhost :port: 5672 :user: guest :pass: guest :vhost: rpc :threaded: true :heartbeat: 2

production: ...

* liebre.yml (default path `config/liebre.yml`)

rpc_request_timeout: 5

consumers: some_consumer: class_name: MyConsumer rpc: false pool_size: 1 num_threads: 4 exchange: name: "consumer_exchange" type: "fanout" opts: durable: false queue: name: "consumer_queue" opts: durable: false bind: routing_key: #key a string or an array of strings - key_1 - key_2

some_rpc: class_name: MyRPC rpc: true connection_name: rpc pool_size: 1 exchange: name: "rpc_exchange" type: "fanout" opts: durable: false queue: name: "rpc_queue" opts: durable: false

publishers: some_publisher: exchange: name: "consumer_exchange" type: "fanout" opts: durable: false rpc_publisher: connection_name: rpc exchange: name: "rpc_exchange" type: "fanout" opts: durable: false

### Consumers

An entry for each consumer in your app, consumer options:
* `class_name` (mandatory): The class that will be invoked everytime a message is received
* `rpc` is a flag to specify the consumer behaviour (default false)
* `connection_name`: the name of the connection to use (default `default`)
* `pool_size` of the connection channel (default 1)
* `num_threads`: number of consumers of the queue (default 1)
* `exchange` a hash of options:
  * `name`: the exchange name
  * `type`: the exchange type (fanout, direct or topic)
  * `opts`: options hash to pass to bunny exchange function
* `queue` a hash of options:
  * `name`: the queue name
  * `opts`: options hash to pass to bunny queue function
* `bind` a hash of options (optional):
  * `routing_key`: the binding routing key, it can be a single string or an array of strings

### Publishers

An entry for each exchange you want to publish to, options:
* `connection_name`: the name of the connection to use (default `default`)
* `exchange` a hash of options:
  * `name`: the exchange name
  * `type`: the exchange type (fanout, direct or topic)
  * `opts`: options hash to pass to bunny exchange function

### Other configurations

`rpc_request_timeout`: set the timeout for an RPC request

### Change default paths and set env and Logger

You can change these defaults in an initializer with something like:

Liebre::Config.config_path = "your/custom/path" Liebre::Config.connection_path = "your/custom/path"

Liebre::Config.env = "production" Liebre::Config.logger =

## Usage

There are 2 different consumer usages: `Consumer` and `RPC`.

### Consumer

You only need to create a class with this simple interface:

class MyConsumer

def initialize payload, meta @payload = payload #the content of the message @meta = meta #the meta information (also called properties) end

def call #do your stuff here #return :ack to anknowledge the message, #return :reject to requeue it #or return :error to send it to the dead-letter-exchange :ack end


Every time a message is received, a new instance of this class will be created.

### RPC

You only need to create a class with this simple interface:

class MyRPC

def initialize payload, meta, callback @payload = payload #the content of the message @meta = meta #the meta information (also called properties) @callback = callback #a Proc that will publish an answer end

def call #do your stuff here"your response") end


Every time a message is received, a new instance of this class will be created.

There are 2 ways to publish a message: `enqueue` and `enqueue_and_wait`.

### `enqueue`

publisher ="some_publisher_name")

publisher.enqueue "hello", :routing_key => "consumer_queue"

publisher.enqueue "bye", :routing_key => "consumer_queue"

### `enqueue_and_wait` (alias `rpc`)

rpc_publisher ="rpc_publisher")

response = publisher.enqueue_and_wait "hello", :routing_key => "consumer_queue"

another_response = publisher.rpc "bye", :routing_key => "consumer_queue"

### Installation and Execution

Add the following to your Gemfile:

gem "liebre", ">~ 0.1"

In your Raketask add:

require "liebre/tasks"

Then you just need to run:

rake liebre:run

Alternative way:

require 'liebre'
