
A Ruby native extension implementing the R-tree spatial index of Guttman-Green. The code is an embedded version of librtree.

Installing dependencies

Just jansson: this common library may be in your operating-system’s repositories. On Debian, Ubuntu and derivatives:

apt-get install libjansson-dev

On RedHat, CentOS:

yum install jansson-devel


brew install jansson

One does not need to install librtree itself, the library-code is embedded within the gem (as of version 1.0.0).

Install the Gem


gem 'librtree'

to your project’s Gemfile and run bundle install.

Use the RTree class

In your Ruby code

require 'rtree'

will import the RTree class, its usage is described here.

Development setup

This is only needed if you want work on the extension, not for a Gem install.

First install the dependencies as above. Then clone the repository and install the extension’s Ruby dependencies, there are several ways to do this.

If using rbenv, then first set a local version of Ruby to use, then install the gems into your local cache

rbenv local 3.2.0
bundle install

The repository’s .gitignore ignores rbenv’s .ruby-version file, since we don’t want to mandate a particular Ruby version for the package (although 3.0 is the minimal version for development at present).

If not using rbenv then just

bundle install

should attempt to install the gems into your system location, which will typically require sudo. If you don’t want to (or cannot) do this, then

bundle install --path vendor/bundle

will install into vendor and set the location in .bundle/config, both of these are ignored by the repository’s Git configuration.

Finally, you should be in a position to compile the package and run the tests:

bundle exec rake compile
bundle exec rake spec
bundle exec steep check