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Libroute-component is a wrapper for generic interfaces to libraries. By interfacing with this wrapper, the third party library will be supported by the libroute client.

The Libroute-component is only required if you are adding support for additional third party libraries - to use libraries with existing support, visit the libroute page

Quick start tutorial

Visit the getting started page for a 5 minute tutorial on using libroute.


Set up a standard docker directory with a Dockerfile specifying the container build. Within the Dockerfile, run the following commands:

RUN gem install libroute-component
ENTRYPOINT /home/user/autoexec.rb

Create a file called autoexec.rb alongside the dockerfile with the following contents.

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

require 'libroute/component'
require_relative 'runmylib' do |params|



This will call the function runmylib in runmylib.rb and pass it a Hash object of parameters. This function should return a hash object containing the results.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.