Librato Metrics

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A convenient Ruby wrapper for the Librato Metrics API.


In your shell:

gem install librato-metrics

Then, in your application or script:

require 'librato/metrics'

Optional steps

For best performance we recommend installing yajl-ruby:

gem install yajl-ruby

Quick Start

If you are looking for the quickest possible route to getting a data into Metrics, you only need two lines:

Librato::Metrics.authenticate 'email', 'api_key'
Librato::Metrics.submit :my_metric => 42, :my_other_metric => 1002

Unspecified metrics will send a gauge, but if you need to send a different metric type or include additional properties, simply use a hash:

Librato::Metrics.submit :my_metric => {:type => :counter, :value => 1002, :source => 'myapp'}

While this is all you need to get started, if you are sending a number of metrics regularly a queue may be easier/more performant so read on...


Make sure you have an account for Metrics and then authenticate with your email and API key (on your account page):

Librato::Metrics.authenticate 'email', 'api_key'

Sending Metrics

If you are sending very many metrics or sending them very often, it will be much higher performance to bundle them up together to reduce your request volume. Use Queue for this.

Queue up a simple gauge metric named temperature:

queue =
queue.add :temperature => 32.2

If you are tracking measurements over several seconds/minutes, the queue will handle storing measurement time for you (otherwise all metrics will be recorded as measured when they are submitted).

You can queue multiple metrics at once. Here's a gauge (load) and a counter (visits):

queue.add :load => 2.2, :visits => {:type => :counter, :value => 400}

Queue up a metric with a specified source:

queue.add :cpu => {:source => 'app1', :value => 92.6}

A complete list of metric attributes is available in the API documentation.

Save all queued metrics:



If you have operations in your application you want to record execution time for, you can use the #time method:

queue.time :my_measurement do
  # do work...

If you need extra attributes for the measurement, simply add them on:

queue.time :my_measurement, :source => 'app1' do
  # do work...

Querying Metrics

Get name and properties for all metrics you have in the system:

metrics = Librato::Metrics.list

Get only metrics whose name includes time:

metrics = Librato::Metrics.list :name => 'time'

Querying Metric Data

Get attributes for metric temperature:

data = Librato::Metrics.fetch :temperature

Get the 20 most recent data points for temperature:

data = Librato::Metrics.fetch :temperature, :count => 20

Get the 20 most recent data points for temperature from a specific source:

data = Librato::Metrics.fetch :temperature, :count => 20, :source => 'app1'

Get the 20 most recent 15 minute data point rollups for temperature:

data = Librato::Metrics.fetch :temperature, :count => 20, :resolution => 900

There are many more options supported for querying, take a look at the REST API docs or the fetch documentation for more details.

Using Multiple Accounts Simultaneously

If you need to use metrics with multiple sets of authentication credentials simultaneously, you can do it with Client:

joe =
joe.authenticate 'email1', 'api_key1'

mike =
mike.authenticate 'email2', 'api_key2'

All of the same operations you can call directly from Librato::Metrics are available per-client:

# list Joe's metrics

# fetch the last 20 data points for Mike's metric, humidity 
mike.fetch :humidity, :count => 20

There are two ways to associate a new queue with a client:

# these are functionally equivalent
joe_queue = => joe)
joe_queue = joe.new_queue

Once the queue is associated you can use it normally:

joe_queue.add :temperature => {:source => 'sf', :value => 65.2}

Thread Safety

The librato-metrics gem currently does not do internal locking for thread safety. When used in multi-threaded applications, please add your own mutexes for sensitive operations.

Feature Roadmap

These are features we expect to add in future versions, roughly in the order of current priority. If you feel strongly about a feature, feel free to create an issue or join us in live chat and talk to us about it.

  • Queue objects support a single default measure_time to use for any measurements which don't have it set
  • Queues auto-submit when they hit a set number of records
  • Queues auto-submit when they hit a max time interval
  • Query actions return a collection object which auto-paginates large result sets


  • Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet.
  • Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it.
  • Fork the project and submit a pull request from a feature or bugfix branch.
  • Please review our code conventions.
  • Please include specs. This is important so we don't break your changes unintentionally in a future version.
  • Please don't modify the gemspec, Rakefile, version, or changelog. If you do change these files, please isolate a separate commit so we can cherry-pick around it.

Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Librato Inc. See LICENSE for details.