Class: Libcouchbase::Ext::RESPVIEWQUERY

  • Object
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(Not documented)

## Fields:
















(String) < Document ID (i.e. memcached key) associated with this row


(Integer) < Length of document ID


(String) Emitted value. If ‘rflags & LCB_RESP_F_FINAL` is true then this will contain the metadata of the view response itself. This includes the `total_rows` field among other things, and should be parsed as JSON


(Integer) < Length of emitted value


(String) If this is a spatial view, the GeoJSON geometry fields will be here




(RESPHTTP) If the request failed, this will contain the raw underlying request. You may inspect this request and perform some other processing on the underlying HTTP data. Note that this may not necessarily contain the entire response body; just the chunk at which processing failed.


(RESPGET) If @ref LCB_CMDVIEWQUERY_F_INCLUDE_DOCS was specified in the request, this will contain the response for the GET command. This is the same response as would be received in the ‘LCB_CALLBACK_GET` for lcb_get3().

Note that this field should be checked for various errors as well, as it is remotely possible the get request did not succeed.

If the @ref LCB_CMDVIEWQUERY_F_INCLUDE_DOCS flag was not specified, this field will be ‘NULL`.