Class: Libcouchbase::Ext::CMDN1QL

  • Object
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(Not documented)

## Fields:




(String) Query to be placed in the POST request. The library will not perform any conversions or validation on this string, so it is up to the user (or wrapping library) to ensure that the string is well formed.

If using the @ref lcb_N1QLPARAMS structure, the lcb_n1p_mkcmd() function will properly populate this field.

In general the string should either be JSON (in which case, the #content_type field should be ‘application/json`) or url-encoded (in which case the #content_type field should be `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`)


(Integer) Length of the query data


(String) Ignored since version 2.5.3


(String) Ignored since version 2.5.3


(Proc(callback_n1qlcallback)) Callback to be invoked for each row


(FFI::Pointer(*N1QLHANDLE)) Request handle. Will be set to the handle which may be passed to lcb_n1ql_cancel()