Class: Libcouchbase::Ext::CMDGETREPLICA

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## Fields:












(ReplicaT) Strategy for selecting a replica. The default is ::LCB_REPLICA_FIRST which results in the client trying each replica in sequence until a successful reply is found, and returned in the callback.

::LCB_REPLICA_FIRST evaluates to 0.

Other options include: <ul> <li>::LCB_REPLICA_ALL - queries all replicas concurrently and dispatches a callback for each reply</li> <li>::LCB_REPLICA_SELECT - queries a specific replica indicated in the #index field</li> </ul>

@note When ::LCB_REPLICA_ALL is selected, the callback will be invoked multiple times, one for each replica. The final callback will have the ::LCB_RESP_F_FINAL bit set in the lcb_RESPBASE::rflags field. The final response will also contain the response from the last replica to respond.


(Integer) Valid only when #strategy is ::LCB_REPLICA_SELECT, specifies the replica index number to query. This should be no more than ‘nreplicas-1` where `nreplicas` is the number of replicas the bucket is configured with.