Redcloth with CodeRay

Adds CodeRay syntax highlighting support to RedCloth, with a ‘source’ tag. See the examples below.

A short summary of what you can do:

  • <source>foo</source> - Use this tag to produce CodeRay highlighted HTML for the contents within that tag. The language defaults to Ruby.

  • <source:css>foo</source> - Highlight as usual, but highlight as CSS. Supports everything CodeRay supports. Refer to the CodeRay documentation for a list of supported languages.


Installation as usual:

sudo gem install redcloth


You have to specify that you want to use refs_syntax_highlighter when calling RedCloth#to_html.

require 'rubygems'
require 'redcloth'
require 'coderay'
require 'redclothcoderay''I am *bold* and <source>@hi_tech</source>').to_html(:textile, :refs_syntax_highlighter)


This input:

Hello, this is *textilized*. It also has <source>@inline_code_examples</source>!

What about a multi-line code sample?

<h1>Hello, world!</h1>

produces this output (indented for clarity):

<p>Hello, this is <strong>textilized</strong>. It also has <code class="inline_code">
  <span class="iv">@inline_code_examples</span>

<p>What about a multi-line code sample?</p>

<pre><code class=\"multiline_code\">
  <span class=\"ta\">&amp;lt;h1&amp;gt;</span>Hello, world!<span class=\"ta\">&amp;lt;/h1&amp;gt;</span>