Leanpub API wrapper for Ruby

A simple Ruby wrapper for the Leanpub API. Currently supports the API's book and sales summary functions, with aspirations to do more.

Disclaimer: Leanpub is a service of Ruboss Technology Corporation, a corporation incorporated in British Columbia, Canada. I self-publish a book using their service, but am otherwise not affiliated with them in any way.


This library has been tested against the following Ruby versions:

  • 2.0.0


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'leanpub_api'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install leanpub_api


You'll need your book slug and API key values, both of which can be retrieved by accessing your Leanpub account.

The gem currently supports the Leanpub API's book summary functions.

require 'leanpub_api'

book = LeanpubAPI::BookSummary.new('<book-slug>', '<api-key>')

puts book.title
puts book.subtitle
puts book.slug
puts book.author_string
puts book.url
puts book.title_page_url
puts book.minimum_price
puts book.suggested_price
puts book.total_copies_sold
puts book.total_revenue
puts book.possible_reader_count

You can also get the sales summary for a Leanpub book.

require 'leanpub_api'

sales = LeanpubAPI::SalesSummary.new('<book-slug>', '<api-key>')

puts sales.book
puts sales.url
puts sales.total_author_royalties
puts sales.total_book_royalties
puts sales.num_happy_readers
puts sales.num_happy_paid_purchases
puts sales.num_refunded_purchases
puts sales.unpaid_royalties
puts sales.royalties_currently_due
puts sales.royalties_due_on_first_of_next_month
puts sales.paid_royalties


Tests expect a .env file at the project's root, with the following environment variables:

  • LEANPUB_BOOK_SLUG Your book's Leanpub slug
  • LEANPUB_API_KEY Your Leanpub API key


Add wrappers for other API functionality:

  • All sales data
  • Preview functions
  • Publish functions
  • Preview/publish job status
  • Coupon management

Test against other Rubies


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes, with tests (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request