

via rubygems

gem install leafy-rack

or add to your Gemfile

gem 'leafy-rack

installing the gem also takes care of the jar dependencies with jruby-1.7.16+


there actually three parts to this gem

  • serializers to write out json data from the collected data of Leafy::Health::Registry and Leafy::Metrics::Registry

  • instrumented class which is almost like a rack middleware but is threadsafe and is meant to be shared with ALL requests. with this sharing in can count the number of active requests.

  • a collection of middleware

serializers for health and metrics data

are using the internal API of Leafy::Health::Registry or Leafy::Metrics::Registry to run_health_checks or retrieve the collect metrics and produces the json representation of these data.

registry = Leafy::Health::Registry.new
json_writer = Leafy::Json::HealthWriter.new
json_writer.to_json( registry.health.run_health_checks )


registry = Leafy::Metrics::Registry.new
json_writer = Leafy::Json::MetricsWriter.new
json_writer.to_json( registry.metrics )

both json writers can take a second argument to generate pretty prints:

json_writer.to_json( registry.health.run_health_checks, true )  
json_writer.to_json( registry.metrics, true )

instrumented http response

the class Leafy::Instrumented::Instrumented has a call method which expect a block. the block needs to return the usual rack middleware result [status, headers, body].

typical usage of this inside a rack-middleware

metrics = Leafy::Metrics::Registry.new
instrumented = Leafy::Instrumented::Instrumented.new( metrics, 'myapp' )
instrumented.call do
   @app.call( env )

see the Leafy::Rack::Instrumented for an example.

rack middleware

  • instrumented middleware collecting metrics on response status, response time, and active requests
  • json data of metrics snapshot
  • json data of current health
  • ping
  • java thread-dump
  • admin page with links to metrics, health, ping and thread-dump data

instrumented middleware

metrics = Leafy::Metrics::Registry.new
use Leafy::Rack::Instrumented, Leafy::Instrumented::Instrumented.new( metrics, 'webapp' )

note: when this instrumented middleware gets configured after any of the admin middleware (see below) then those admin requests are not going into the instrumented metrics.

metrics middleware

json data of a snapshot of metrics are under the path /metrics

metrics = Leafy::Metrics::Registry.new
use Leafy::Rack::Metrics, metrics

or with custom path

metrics = Leafy::Metrics::Registry.new
use Leafy::Rack::Metrics, metrics, '/admin/metrics'

health-checks middleware

json data of current health are under the path /health

health = Leafy::Health::Registry.new
use Leafy::Rack::Health, health

or with custom path

health = Leafy::Health::Registry.new
use Leafy::Rack::Health, health, '/admin/health'

ping middleware

under the path /ping

use Leafy::Rack::Ping

or with custom path

use Leafy::Rack::Ping, '/admin/ping'

java thread-dump middleware

under the path /threads

use Leafy::Rack::ThreadDump

or with custom path

use Leafy::Rack::ThreadDump, '/admin/threads'

admin page middleware

a simple page with links to metrics, health, ping and thread-dump data under the path /admin

metrics = Leafy::Metrics::Registry.new
health = Leafy::Health::Registry.new

use Leafy::Rack::Admin, metrics, health

or with custom path

metrics = Leafy::Metrics::Registry.new
health = Leafy::Health::Registry.new

use Leafy::Rack::Admin, metrics, health, '/hidden/admin'

example sinatra app

there is an example sinatra application which uses admin and instrumented middleware and adds some extra metrics inside the application.


get all the gems and jars in place

gem install jar-dependencies --development
bundle install

please make sure you are using jar-dependencies > 0.1.8 !

for running all specs



rspec spec/reporter_spec.rb