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A simple, self-contained LDAP server with a database back end.


Ldumbd is a simple, self-contained read-only LDAP server that uses PostgreSQL, MySQL/MariaDB or SQLite as a back end.

Ldumbd is designed primarily to act as an LDAP gateway to a simple SQL user database for use with the nss-pam-ldapd Name Service Switch (NSS) module.


At the moment, ldumbd has no support for any of the following:

  • LDAP schemas
  • LDAP binds
  • any request type other than search requests
  • "approximately equal" operators in search filters

Installation: Debian Wheezy

sudo -i
export LDUMBD_DIR=/var/lib/ldumbd
mkdir -p ${LDUMBD_DIR}
groupadd -r ldumbd
useradd -r -s /bin/false -g ldumbd -d ${LDUMBD_DIR} ldumbd
chown ldumbd:ldumbd ${LDUMBD_DIR}
chmod 700 ${LDUMBD_DIR}
gem install ldumbd
export MIGRATIONS=$(dirname $(gem contents ldumbd | grep migrations/001))

Database setup: SQLite

aptitude install libsqlite3-dev
gem install sqlite3
sudo -u ldumbd sequel -m ${MIGRATIONS} sqlite://${LDUMBD_DIR}/ldumbd.sqlite3

Database setup: PostgreSQL

aptitude install postgresql libpq-dev
sudo -u postgres createuser ldumbd
sudo -u postgres createdb -O ldumbd ldumbd
gem install pg
sudo -u ldumbd sequel -m ${MIGRATIONS} postgres:///ldumbd

Database setup: MySQL/MariaDB

export DB_PASSWORD='secret'
aptitude install mysql-server libmysqlclient-dev
cat <<EOS | mysql -u root -p
CREATE USER 'ldumbd'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'secret';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ldumbd.* TO 'ldumbd'@'localhost';
gem install mysql2
sequel -m ${MIGRATIONS} "mysql2://ldumbd:${DB_PASSWORD}@localhost/ldumbd"

Running ldumbd

export LDUMBD_CONFIG="$(gem contents ldumbd | grep config.yml.sample)"
cp "${LDUMBD_CONFIG}" /etc/ldumbd.yml
$EDITOR /etc/ldumbd.yml
ldumbd /etc/ldumbd.yml

Copyright (c) 2014 Sebastian Boehm. See LICENSE for details.