
NOTE: LazyDoc is currently in alpha and is not quite ready for use.

Build Status

An implementation of the Embedded Document pattern for POROs.

LazyDoc provides a declarative DSL for extracting deeply nested values from a JSON document. The embedded JSON is lazily parsed so that needed attributes from the document are only parsed when accessed. Finally, parsed values are cached so that subsequent access does not access the JSON again.

Currently, LazyDoc only supports JSON. XML support will be added later.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'lazy_doc'

DSL Options

  1. Basic usage. access: access :name will look for a property called 'name' at the top level of the embedded document.
  2. access :name, :phone, :address will look for all three properties. This option does not currently support using any options.
  3. via: access :job, via: [:profile, :occupation] will look for a property called 'job' by parsing through 'profile' -> 'occupation'.
  4. default: access :currency, default: 'USD' will use the default value of 'USD' if the currency attribute is set to an empty value (empty? or nil?)
  5. finally: access :initials, finally: lambda { |initials| initials.upcase } will call the supplied block, passing in 'initials,' and will return the result of that block.
  6. as: access :profile, as: Profile will pass the sub-document found at 'profile' into a new 'Profile' object, and will return the newly constructed Profile object. This is great for constructing nested LazyDoc relationships.
  7. extract: access :customers, extract: :name will make the assumption that the attribute 'customers' will be an array of objects and will extract the 'name' property from each object and return an array of 'names' (This would be the equivalent of the Enumerable#map method)

Example Usage

class User
    include LazyDoc::DSL

    access :name                                        # Access the attribute "name"
    access :address, via: :streetAddress                # Access the attribute "streetAddress"
    access :job, via: [:profile, :occupation, :title]   # Access the attribute "title" found at "profile" -> "occupation"

    def initialize(json)
      lazily_embed(json)                                # Initialize the LazyDoc object

json = '{"name": "George Washington", "streetAddress": "The White House", "profile": {"occupation": {"title": "President"}}}'
user =
puts user.address
puts user.job

To Do

  1. DONE - Full path parsing more than just top level. ex: access :name, via: [:profile, :basic_info, :name]
  2. DONE - Error throwing for incorrectly specified paths
  3. DONE - Default value if json is null or empty. ex: access :currency, default: 'USD'
  4. DONE - Transforms. ex: access :name, finally: lambda { |name| name.gsub('-',' ') }
  5. DONE - Objects from sub-trees. ex: access :profile, as: Profile (This would construct a LazyDoc Profile object and pass the json found at "profile" to it)
  6. Collections.
    • DONE - Map. For example, extract array of customer names from array of customers. ex: access :customers, extract: :name
    • Objects from collection. Instead of extracting just the name, extract whole objects like in #5. ex: access :customers, as: Customer
    • Other Collection manipulations, select, inject, etc
  7. Joins
    • Using previously defined attributes. ex: join :address, from: [:street, :city, :state:, :zip]
    • Defining attributes in place.
  8. DONE - Multiple simple paths in one line (ex: access :name, :street, :city, :state)
  9. Infer camelCase to snake_case and vice versa in JSON ex: access :customer_name (Where the json has customerName)
  10. XML support


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request