This repository contains a client library for LaunchDarkly's REST API. This client was automatically generated from our OpenAPI specification.

This REST API is for custom integrations, data export, or automating your feature flag workflows. DO NOT use this client library to add feature flags to your web or mobile application. To integrate feature flags with your application, please see the SDK documentation


launchdarkly_api - the Ruby gem for the LaunchDarkly REST API

Build custom integrations with the LaunchDarkly REST API

This SDK is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:

  • API version: 2.0.3
  • Package version: 1.0.0
  • Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.RubyClientCodegen For more information, please visit


In the steps shown below, substitute the current API version where you see VERSION.

To use the latest release from RubyGems

Add this to your Gemfile:

gem 'launchdarkly_api', '~> VERSION'

To use source code from Git

Use this method if you want to use an alternate branch or a fork from Git. Add the following in the Gemfile:

gem 'launchdarkly_api', :git => ''

To build the gem locally

Check out the source code, then build it:

gem build launchdarkly_api.gemspec

Then install the gem locally:

gem install ./launchdarkly-api-VERSION.gem
# To include development dependencies, use gem install --dev

Finally add this to the Gemfile:

gem 'launchdarkly_api', '~> VERSION'

Usage examples

Getting the name and description of a feature flag

require 'launchdarkly_api'

api_key = 'put a valid API key for your account here'
project_key = 'put the key of your project here'
flag_key = 'put the key of a feature flag here'

LaunchDarklyApi.configure do |config|
  config.api_key['Authorization'] = api_key

flag_api =

  flag = flag_api.get_feature_flag(project_key, flag_key)
  puts "Flag key: #{flag_key}, name: #{}, description: #{flag.description}"
rescue LaunchDarklyApi::ApiError => e
  puts "API returned error: #{e.message} #{e.response_body}"

Modifying a feature flag

require 'launchdarkly_api'

api_key = 'put a valid API key for your account here'
project_key = 'put the key of your project here'
environment_key = 'the key of the environment where you want to change the flag'
flag_key = 'put the key of a feature flag here'

LaunchDarklyApi.configure do |config|
  config.api_key['Authorization'] = api_key

flag_api =

# This example turns on targeting for the specified flag.
# Properties are modified with JSON Patch syntax -
# Note that all environment-specific properties have a path prefix that includes the environment key.
property_path = "/environments/#{environment_key}/on"
new_value = true
patches = [ 'replace', path: property_path, value: new_value) ]
patch_and_comment = patches, comment: 'turning flag on')

  flag_api.patch_feature_flag(project_key, flag_key, patch_and_comment)
rescue LaunchDarklyApi::ApiError => e
  puts "API returned error: #{e.message} #{e.response_body}"

Querying the audit log

# Load the gem
require 'launchdarkly_api'

api_key = 'put a valid API key for your account here'

LaunchDarklyApi.configure do |config|
  config.api_key['Authorization'] = api_key

audit_log_api =

current_time_millis = ( * 1000).to_i
one_hour_ago = current_time_millis - (60 * 60 * 1000)

opts = {
  after: one_hour_ago,
  limit: 10
} # see API documentation for other options you can use here

  result = audit_log_api.get_audit_log_entries(opts)
  puts "Audit log entries from the last hour:"
  result.items.each { |item|
    puts item.title
rescue LaunchDarklyApi::ApiError => e
  puts "API returned error: #{e.message} #{e.response_body}"

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
LaunchDarklyApi::AuditLogApi get_audit_log_entries GET /auditlog Get a list of all audit log entries. The query parameters allow you to restrict the returned results by date ranges, resource specifiers, or a full-text search query.
LaunchDarklyApi::AuditLogApi get_audit_log_entry GET /auditlog/resourceId Use this endpoint to fetch a single audit log entry by its resouce ID.
LaunchDarklyApi::CustomRolesApi delete_custom_role DELETE /roles/customRoleKey Delete a custom role by key.
LaunchDarklyApi::CustomRolesApi get_custom_role GET /roles/customRoleKey Get one custom role by key.
LaunchDarklyApi::CustomRolesApi get_custom_roles GET /roles Return a complete list of custom roles.
LaunchDarklyApi::CustomRolesApi patch_custom_role PATCH /roles/customRoleKey Modify a custom role by key.
LaunchDarklyApi::CustomRolesApi post_custom_role POST /roles Create a new custom role.
LaunchDarklyApi::EnvironmentsApi delete_environment DELETE /projects/projectKey/environments/environmentKey Delete an environment in a specific project.
LaunchDarklyApi::EnvironmentsApi get_environment GET /projects/projectKey/environments/environmentKey Get an environment given a project and key.
LaunchDarklyApi::EnvironmentsApi patch_environment PATCH /projects/projectKey/environments/environmentKey Modify an environment by ID.
LaunchDarklyApi::EnvironmentsApi post_environment POST /projects/projectKey/environments Create a new environment in a specified project with a given name, key, and swatch color.
LaunchDarklyApi::FeatureFlagsApi delete_feature_flag DELETE /flags/projectKey/featureFlagKey Delete a feature flag in all environments. Be careful-- only delete feature flags that are no longer being used by your application.
LaunchDarklyApi::FeatureFlagsApi get_feature_flag GET /flags/projectKey/featureFlagKey Get a single feature flag by key.
LaunchDarklyApi::FeatureFlagsApi get_feature_flag_status GET /flag-statuses/projectKey/environmentKey/featureFlagKey Get the status for a particular feature flag.
LaunchDarklyApi::FeatureFlagsApi get_feature_flag_statuses GET /flag-statuses/projectKey/environmentKey Get a list of statuses for all feature flags. The status includes the last time the feature flag was requested, as well as the state of the flag.
LaunchDarklyApi::FeatureFlagsApi get_feature_flags GET /flags/projectKey Get a list of all features in the given project.
LaunchDarklyApi::FeatureFlagsApi patch_feature_flag PATCH /flags/projectKey/featureFlagKey Perform a partial update to a feature.
LaunchDarklyApi::FeatureFlagsApi post_feature_flag POST /flags/projectKey Creates a new feature flag.
LaunchDarklyApi::ProjectsApi delete_project DELETE /projects/projectKey Delete a project by key. Caution-- deleting a project will delete all associated environments and feature flags. You cannot delete the last project in an account.
LaunchDarklyApi::ProjectsApi get_project GET /projects/projectKey Fetch a single project by key.
LaunchDarklyApi::ProjectsApi get_projects GET /projects Returns a list of all projects in the account.
LaunchDarklyApi::ProjectsApi patch_project PATCH /projects/projectKey Modify a project by ID.
LaunchDarklyApi::ProjectsApi post_project POST /projects Create a new project with the given key and name.
LaunchDarklyApi::RootApi get_root GET /
LaunchDarklyApi::TeamMembersApi delete_member DELETE /members/memberId Delete a team member by ID.
LaunchDarklyApi::TeamMembersApi get_member GET /members/memberId Get a single team member by ID.
LaunchDarklyApi::TeamMembersApi get_members GET /members Returns a list of all members in the account.
LaunchDarklyApi::TeamMembersApi patch_member PATCH /members/memberId Modify a team member by ID.
LaunchDarklyApi::TeamMembersApi post_members POST /members Invite new members.
LaunchDarklyApi::UserSegmentsApi delete_user_segment DELETE /segments/projectKey/environmentKey/userSegmentKey Delete a user segment.
LaunchDarklyApi::UserSegmentsApi get_user_segment GET /segments/projectKey/environmentKey/userSegmentKey Get a single user segment by key.
LaunchDarklyApi::UserSegmentsApi get_user_segments GET /segments/projectKey/environmentKey Get a list of all user segments in the given project.
LaunchDarklyApi::UserSegmentsApi patch_user_segment PATCH /segments/projectKey/environmentKey/userSegmentKey Perform a partial update to a user segment.
LaunchDarklyApi::UserSegmentsApi post_user_segment POST /segments/projectKey/environmentKey Creates a new user segment.
LaunchDarklyApi::UserSettingsApi get_user_flag_setting GET /users/projectKey/environmentKey/userKey/flags/featureFlagKey Fetch a single flag setting for a user by key.
LaunchDarklyApi::UserSettingsApi get_user_flag_settings GET /users/projectKey/environmentKey/userKey/flags Fetch a single flag setting for a user by key.
LaunchDarklyApi::UserSettingsApi put_flag_setting PUT /users/projectKey/environmentKey/userKey/flags/featureFlagKey Specifically enable or disable a feature flag for a user based on their key.
LaunchDarklyApi::UsersApi delete_user DELETE /users/projectKey/environmentKey/userKey Delete a user by ID.
LaunchDarklyApi::UsersApi get_search_users GET /user-search/projectKey/environmentKey Search users in LaunchDarkly based on their last active date, or a search query. It should not be used to enumerate all users in LaunchDarkly-- use the List users API resource.
LaunchDarklyApi::UsersApi get_user GET /users/projectKey/environmentKey/userKey Get a user by key.
LaunchDarklyApi::UsersApi get_users GET /users/projectKey/environmentKey List all users in the environment. Includes the total count of users. In each page, there will be up to 'limit' users returned (default 20). This is useful for exporting all users in the system for further analysis. Paginated collections will include a next link containing a URL with the next set of elements in the collection.
LaunchDarklyApi::WebhooksApi delete_webhook DELETE /webhooks/resourceId Delete a webhook by ID.
LaunchDarklyApi::WebhooksApi get_webhook GET /webhooks/resourceId Get a webhook by ID.
LaunchDarklyApi::WebhooksApi get_webhooks GET /webhooks Fetch a list of all webhooks.
LaunchDarklyApi::WebhooksApi patch_webhook PATCH /webhooks/resourceId Modify a webhook by ID.
LaunchDarklyApi::WebhooksApi post_webhook POST /webhooks Create a webhook.

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: Authorization
  • Location: HTTP header