
Generate the Project Roundup issue


This will generate the weekly Project Roundup issue. It currently performs the following activities:

  • Searches for all issues with the #roundup tag
  • Gathers statistics about
    • PR Opened/Closed
    • Priority [1|2|3] Issues Opened/Closed
  • Pulls release statistics from Sabotage

Most of the queries are stored in config/queries.yml.

Once all the data is gathered, it will close the previous weeks Project Roundup issue and create a new one.


$ git clone [email protected]:dev/lariat.git
$ bundle
$ ./bin/lariat

Feature Requests/Bug Fixes

$ git clone [email protected]:dev/lariat.git
$ cd lariat
$ git checkout -b your-branch-name
$ <your fixes go here>
$ git commit -a

Open pull request. Bask in the admiration of your peers.