Landscape Turner

Landscape Turner is a set of two ruby scripts for backing up the Landscape service, landscape-turner-backup and landscape-turner-restore .

General Usage

$ landscape-turner-backup --snapshot-path=/home/daqri/backup

$ landscape-turner-restore /home/daqri/backup.tar.gz

Options for landscape-turner-backup

-s, --snapshot-path=/path/to/snapshot


-o, --override=string

Override paths with -o name1=path1

-d, --disable=string

Disable paths with -d name

-n, --no-db

Disable database backup

-l, --landscape-prefix=/path/to/default/dirs

Path to prefix default landscape dirs (/var, /etc), default is nothing.

-p, --no-op

No-op (dry run)

To override specific paths, use -o name1=path1 -o name2=path2 -o name3=path3. To disable specific paths for backup, use -d name1 -d name2. Overrides have higher priority than --landscape-prefix.

Options for landscape-turner-restore

-r, --restore-prefix=string

Prefix to prepend default landscape dirs (/var, /etc) with (default: nothing)

-n, --no-db

Disable database restore

In addition to the optional arguments, you must specify exactly one .tar.gz file to restore.


You can build Landscape Turner from the gemspec file like so:

$ gem build landscape-turner.gemspec

$ sudo gem install landscape-turner-1.2.0.gem

If you don't want to build from the gemspec yourself, you can install from rubygems with $ sudo gem install landscape-turner