La Maquina

Non-database-based arbitrary updates of belongs_to associated ActiveRecord models.

Let's say you have 2 models

class DannyTrejo < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :machetes


class Machete < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :danny_trejo

and you want to let DannyTrejo know when a Machete has been updated, but you don't want to use ActiveRecord's touch, you can use this gem to execute arbitrary code when Machete updates.


Using the example above, let's say that when a Machete is added, we want its corresponding DannyTrejo object to be reindexed by Solr, using the Sunspot interface. With a little bit of config magic, described at the end of this document, we have this:

class DannyTrejo < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :machetes

  searchable do 
    double  :machete_sharpness, multiple: true do
class Machete < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :danny_trejo

  include LaMaquina::Notifier
  notifies_about :danny_trejo


There are 4 main components to this gem:

  • notifies_about: defines the association (eg Machete -> DannyTrejo)
  • Pistons: the plugins that define the behavior (eg DannyTrejo.find(id).solr_index!)
  • ErrorNotifier: defines what you do with the errors once they come up
  • DependencyMap: define the mapping between the notifier and notified classes. OPTIONAL

notifies_about options

notifies_about target, options is an interface that and mirrors ActiveRecord associations. to use it, in your ActiveRecord::Base model

include LaMaquina::Notifier

It can either notify LaMaquina about the object itself with notifies_about :self, or about a belongs_to association with the following options:

  • :through: same as rails. Note: expects the through object belongs_to the target object
  • :polymorphic: same as rails. Note: expects rails default target _type and targe _id fields to be present
  • :class_name: takes a modulized camelcased string name of the target class
  • :class: takes a class constant of the target class type
  • :using: this allows you to send update messages through a ruby interface (eg JsonApiClient). The interface has to respond to notify( params = {} ). The params are as follows:

    • :notified_class: demodulized snake_cased name of class that is notified about (eg "danny_trejo")
    • notified_id: the id of thje object that's being notified about. So if Machete(8) belongs to DannyTrejo(1), it will be 1
    • notifier_class: demodulized snake_cased name of the notifier class (eg "machete") Note: This requires the receiving side to call LaMaquina::Engine.notify( notifier_class, id, notified_class = "" ), so you'll have something like ```ruby class LaMaquinaController < ApplicationController def notify notified_class = params[:notified_class] notified_id = params[:notified_id] notifier_class = params[:notifier_class]

    LaMaquina::Engine.notify! notifier_class, id, notified_class

    render json: true end end

    Note: `class` and `class_name` options aren't stricly checked; they're formatted and sent through


A piston is a plugin that can be fired on update.

Once a model with a notifies_about :whatever gets updated and a commit happens, it will fire off a call to wherever LaMaquina is installed (either locally, or on another server if you're notifying through JsonApiClient or similar). Once LaMaquina::Engine receives the call it will fire all of its pistons in no particualr order.

So using the example from above:

class DannyTrejo < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :machetes

  searchable do 
    double  :machete_sharpness, multiple: true do
class Machete < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :danny_trejo

  include LaMaquina::Notifier
  notifies_about :danny_trejo

We want to set up a piston that will reindex DannyTrejo on Machete update.

class SunspotPiston < LaMaquina::Piston::Base
  class << self
    def fire!( notified_class, id, notifier_class = "" )


    def indexed_class(klass)
      {"danny_trejo" => DannyTrejo}[klass] or raise "can't index class #{klass}!"

All it needs to do is respond ot fire!( notified_class, id, notifier_class = "" ) and what happend from there is entirely up to you.

The piston above doesn't use notifier_class, but that comes in quite handy should you want to do complex manipulations.For example, if you have a model that has several associations that respond to complex_code and you want to cache that code under a composite cache key of "#top_object/#association:#id", you can do something like:

class CompositeCachePison < LaMaquina::Piston::Base
  class << self
    class_attribute :redis, :map

    def fire!( notified_class, id, notifier_class )
      key = "#{notified_class}/#{notifier_class}:#{id}"

      klass = map.mapping_for notified_class
      object = klass.find(id)

      # because notifier_class is already snaked we can just send it as an association
      result = object.send(notifier_class).complex_code

      redis.set key, result

    # explained below =


DependencyMap is a way to abstract away the dependency structure from the gem and the piston (like you have in the first piston example).

The interface looks like

class Map < LaMaquina::DependencyMap::Base
  # defined in Base
  # initialize( yaml_path = nil)

  def mapping_for(*args)
    # your code here

  # also defined in Base
  # attr_accessor :map

LaMaquina comes with 2 default maps: ConstantMap and YamlMap.

LaMaquina::DependencyMap::ConstantMap takes a string and tries to constantize it. It's not strictly speaking a map, but it works as you would expect:

map =
map.mapping_for "danny_trejo" # => DannyTrejo(id: integer, ...)

LaMaquina::DependencyMap::YamlMap get initialized with a yaml path, parses the yaml and spits out a dependency at any depth, meaning:

# map.yml
    1: favorite
    2: dull
map = "#{Rail.root}/config/map.yml"
map.mapping_for "danny_trejo", "machete", 1 # => "favorite"


LaMaquina by default comes with an ErrorNotifier::Base that will explode in a very unhelpful manner. To override it, you need to change it in the config above and roll a new ErrorNotifier that responds to notify(error, details). For example, a really handy debugging notifier you can build is a PutsNotifier, that just puts the error details, and looks like this:

class PutsNotifier < LaMaquina::ErrorNotifier::Base

  def self.notify(error, details)
    puts error.inspect, details.inspect

If you don't care about your exceptions and want to ignore them, there's a notifier you can use, SilentNotifier, making that last line in your config/initializers/la_maquina.rb be

LaMaquina.error_notifier = LaMaquina::ErrorNotifier::SilentNotifier


The setup is pretty straightforward: you do all the setting up in config/initializers/la_maquina.rb.

The things you have to do are: set up the pistons(if they need configuring), install them, and configure the error_handler. For example, if you're using the CompositeCachePison and need to set up Redis, here's how your la_maquina.rb will look

CompositeCachePison.redis =, redis:
# you would initialize the map here, not in the piston =

LaMaquina::Engine.install CompositeCachePison

LaMaquina.error_notifier = LaMaquina::ErrorNotifier::HoneybadgerNotifier


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'la_maquina'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install la_maquina


  1. Fork it ([my-github-username]/la_maquina/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request