
build workflow release workflow

Command line tool to create and manage CfHighlander projects and components


gem install kurgan



view all available commands

➜  kurgan help
  kurgan --version, -v       # print the version
  kurgan add [component]     # Adds a new component to an existing CfHighlander project
  kurgan component [name]    # Generates a new CfHighlander component
  kurgan extend [component]  # Generates a files to extend a component in a CfHighlander project
  kurgan help [COMMAND]      # Describe available commands or one specific command
  kurgan inspect             # inspect a cfhighlander files of it's components
  kurgan list                # list all components in the onestack
  kurgan project [name]      # Generates a new CfHighlander project
  kurgan search [component]  # search for a component and it's release history
  kurgan test [name]         # Create a new test case for a component

help can also be used on commands to see available options and usage

➜  kurgan help project
  kurgan project [name]

  -p, [--project=PROJECT]  # Create a pre-canned project
                           # Default: empty
                           # Possible values: empty, vpc, ecs

Generates a new CfHighlander project

Create a New Project

A CfHighlander project allows you to configure and compile a group of components to generate you Cloudformation stack.

To create a new project run the project command with the name of your new project and fill in the prompts

➜  kurgan project myproject
directory name  (myproject)
      create  myproject
template description  (myproject)
      create  myproject/myproject.cfhighlander.rb
      create  myproject/myproject.config.yaml
git init project? y
         run  git init myproject from "."
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/gus/src/testbed/hl/myproject/.git/
      create  myproject/.gitignore
      create  myproject/README.md
Setup a CI pipeline? y
CI flavour [github, jenkins, travis, codebuild] jenkins
      create  myproject/Jenkinsfile

cd into the new directory and you'll see the following project structure

├── Jenkinsfile # depending on CI flavour this will be different
├── README.md
├── myproject.cfhighlander.rb
└── myproject.config.yaml

Add a Component to a Project

To add a component to your nproject use the add command along with the component name with optional component version and friendly name

➜  myproject git:(master) ✗ kurgan add vpc-v2 --name network --version 0.7.0
adding [email protected] to the myproject project
      insert  myproject.cfhighlander.rb
      create  network.config.yaml

this will create a yaml config file for the new component configuration and add the component to the myproject.cfhighlander.rb file

CfhighlanderTemplate do
  Name 'myproject'
  Description "myproject"
  Component name: 'network', template: '[email protected]'

Extend a Component in a Project

Extending a component allows you to add resources to an existing component whilest still allowing you to update the component.

to extend a component use the extend command along with the component name with optional component version and friendly name

➜  myproject git:(master) ✗ kurgan extend aurora-mysql --name database --version 3.3.0
      create  database
extending [email protected] to the myproject project
      create  database/database.cfhighlander.rb
      create  database/database.config.yaml
      create  database/database.cfndsl.rb
      insert  myproject.cfhighlander.rb

this will create a new sub directory with a cfhighlander file containing the component you're extending, a cfndsl file to add your resources and a config.yaml for configuration

├── Jenkinsfile
├── README.md
├── database
│   ├── database.cfhighlander.rb
│   ├── database.cfndsl.rb
│   └── database.config.yaml
├── myproject.cfhighlander.rb
├── myproject.config.yaml
└── network.config.yaml
CfhighlanderTemplate do
  Name 'database'
  Extends '[email protected]'

Inspect a Project

To see a list of components used by a project including versions and latest available version use the inspect command.

➜  myproject git:(master) ✗ kurgan inspect
|           Project: myproject           |
| Component | Version   | Latest Release |
| vpc-v2    | 0.7.0     | 0.7.0          |

Create a New Component

Components are the basic building blocks of CfHighlander, containing cloudformation resources that can be templated and reused across multiple project.

To create a new project use the component command with the name of your new component and fill in the prompts

➜  kurgan component rds-mysql
directory name  (hl-component-rds-mysql)
      create  hl-component-rds-mysql
template description  (rds-mysql - #{component_version})
      create  hl-component-rds-mysql/rds-mysql.cfhighlander.rb
      create  hl-component-rds-mysql/rds-mysql.config.yaml
git init project? y
         run  git init hl-component-rds-mysql from "."
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/gus/src/testbed/hl/hl-component-rds-mysql/.git/
      create  hl-component-rds-mysql/.gitignore
      create  hl-component-rds-mysql/README.md
Setup a CI pipeline? y
CI flavour [github, jenkins, travis, codebuild] github
      create  hl-component-rds-mysql/.github/workflows/spec.yaml
      create  hl-component-rds-mysql/rds-mysql.cfndsl.rb
      create  hl-component-rds-mysql/tests/default.test.yaml
Use MIT license? y
      create  hl-component-rds-mysql/LICENSE

the following folder structure is generated

├── README.md
├── rds-mysql.cfhighlander.rb
├── rds-mysql.cfndsl.rb
├── rds-mysql.config.yaml
└── tests
    └── default.test.yaml

Add tests to a Component

Kurgan can be used to add configuration tests to a component as well as generating spec tests based upon the cloudformation generated by a configuration test.

to create a new config test run the test command along with the name of the test

➜  hl-component-rds-mysql git:(master) ✗ kurgan test mytest
      create  tests/mytest.test.yaml
created config test case tests/mytest.test.yaml

A test.yaml file is created in the tests directory, add in you test and run the cfhighlander test command to execute the test

Once the cftest has successfully passed you can then generate a spec test from the cloudformation template generated by the test in the out/tests/<test-name>/ directory

To generate the spec test use the test command again with the name of the test and pass the --type spec flag

➜  hl-component-rds-mysql git:(master) ✗ kurgan test mytest --type spec
      create  spec/mytest_spec.rb
created spec test spec/mytest_spec.rb

Searching for Components

to list all available components on the onestack use the list command

➜  kurgan list

to search for a components releases use the search [component] command

➜  kurgan search vpc


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.