
You can install krypton as a standalone gem:

$ gem install krypton

Or you can install the periodic-cli gem:

$ gem install periodic-cli


All krypton functions use the same basic syntax: krypton [cmd] {[message/secret]{[key]}}

  • encrypt - Encrypt a string

    $ krypton encrypt "mymessage" "mykey" 
    mymessage => ckhJWXcyTE1leENLOWpBQzJWbElMdz09Cg==
  • decrypt - Decrypt a string

    $ krypton decrypt "ckhJWXcyTE1leENLOWpBQzJWbElMdz09Cg" "mykey" 
    ckhJWXcyTE1leENLOWpBQzJWbElMdz09Cg => mymessage
  • hash - Hash a string or piped data

    $ krypton hash "mymessage"
    mymessage => S3ONp9WM7/rCMeuUnvWDzp5dxbuSVsOV6bI5AJvRqCc=
    $ echo "mymessage" | krypton hash
    mymessage => S3ONp9WM7/rCMeuUnvWDzp5dxbuSVsOV6bI5AJvRqCc=
  • uuid - Generate a secure uuid

    $ krypton uuid
  • totp - Generate a time-based one-time password

    $ krypton totp "myawesomesecret"
    myawesomesecret => 997820


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the Krypton project’s codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.