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Encrypts messages with authentication.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem "krypter"

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install krypter


Pass a secret token. This must be at least 32 bytes long and should be really random. You can generate a random secret with SecureRandom.hex(32).

require "securerandom"
require "krypter"

secret = SecureRandom.hex(32)
encryptor =
encrypted = encryptor.encrypt("message")
encryptor.decrypt(encrypted) == "message"
# => true

# If the signature is invalid, it raises a `InvalidSignature` error.
# => Krypter::InvalidSignature

# If the message is changed, it raises a `InvalidMessage` error.
ciphertext, signature = encrypted.split("--")

encryptor.decrypt([ciphertext, signature].join("--"))
# => Krypter::InvalidMessage

By default, the messages are encrypted with 256-bit AES in CBC mode (with random IV). The encrypted message is then signed with HMAC-SHA256, to prevent tampering and chosen ciphertext attacks.

The defaults can be changed when instantiating the encryptor object.

encryptor =,
  cipher: "aes-256-cbc",
  digest: "SHA256",
  separator: "--"


Fork the project with:

$ git clone [email protected]:frodsan/krypter.git

To install dependencies, use:

$ bundle install

To run the test suite, do:

$ rake test

For bug reports and pull requests, use GitLab.


Krypter is released under the MIT License.