
KoudokuCoupons adds support for Stripe coupons to Koudoku.

NOTE: KoudokuCoupons currently only works with my fork of Koudoku, because the upstream repository does not merge pull requests at the moment.


For KoudokuCoupons to work properly you need to add the following lines to your Gemfile:

gem 'koudoku', git: 'https://github.com/andrewculver/koudoku.git' # handles stripe subscriptions
gem 'koudoku_coupons'

Next run bundle install. After that you need to add the migrations to your application:

rails g koudoku_coupons:install
rake db:migrate

This will copy the migration into your application and run it. Additionally it will mount KoudokuCoupons at /promotions

If you are using Devise for authentication, you need to add this line to your ApplicationController to allow non-logged-in users to use coupons:

skip_filter :authenticate_user!, :if => :koudoku_coupons_controller?

Setting Up New Coupons

First you need to create a new coupon in the Stripe dashboard. To add a new promotion visit your application at /promotions/promotions/new and enter the following data: