KOSapi Client

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A simple Ruby client library for KOSapi RESTful service.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'kosapi_client', github: 'cvut/kosapi_client.rb'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Basic usage

# Creates a new instance of client with OAuth2 credentials
client = KOSapiClient.new({ client_id: OAUTH_CLIENT_ID, client_secret: OAUTH_SECRET })

# Retrieves first page of all course events
course_events_page = client.course_events
course_events_page.each { |event| do_stuff_with_event(event) }

# Fetches page of parallels according to API parameters
parallels_page = client.parallels.offset(0).limit(50).query('course.department' => '18*')

# Finds all parallels related to parallel with id = 42


KOSapiClient can be created and configured in two ways. The simple way is to call KOSapiClient.new, which returns an ApiClient instance.

client = KOSapiClient.new({ client_id: OAUTH_CLIENT_ID, client_secret: OAUTH_SECRET })

The other way is to configure client using KOSapiClient.configure and setting options inside a block. In addition to returning the client instance from configure, the client is also stored in KOSapiClient singleton property and its methods can be accessed by calling them on KOSapiClient directly. This approach is more suitable for configuring client inside an initializer.

KOSapiClient.configure do |c|
  c.client_id = ENV['KOSAPI_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID']
  c.client_secret = ENV['KOSAPI_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET']



Run bin/setup script to setup dependencies and create .env file. You will need to obtain access to KOSapi.

OAuth Credentials

You will need a KOSapi OAuth credentials from the Apps Manager to run integration specs.

OAuth credentials need to be exposed as environment variables KOSAPI_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID and KOSAPI_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET. If you put them into .env file, the test suite will load them for you automatically:



Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at cvut/kosapi_client.rb. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.