Konstruct Cli

Gem Version

The Konstruct Cli provides tools to make working with Konstruct painless and quick. You can access documentation, build a new project structure and scaffold a new site with simple to use commands.


  • Set up a new project structure in seconds.
  • Scaffold out a new HTML, Jekyll or Angular site in seconds.
  • Gulp in a central location.
  • Browserify JS architecture.
  • Usage statistics (local only). Coming Soon
  • Quick link to Konstruct Documentation.


You can install Konstruct Cli by running:

$ gem install konstruct

When it's installed simply run:

$ konstruct


The Cli has a few very simple commands. If you get stuck simply $ konstruct --help for help. You can also get instructions for every command with $ konstruct [COMMAND] --help

Available Commands


$ konstruct scaffold

Scaffolds out a new site based on your choice of technology (Static html, Jekyll or Angularjs), installs default dependencies & initialises your new site with your GIT repository.


$ konstruct develop

Determines the type of site you are building, and runs a centrally installed gulp task accordingly.


$ konstruct project

The project command builds a basic starter project template for common website projects. It builds common folders to ensure your project is tidy and organised.


This feature is coming soon.


$ konstruct documentation

Loads up the Konstruct Documentation in your default browser.


$ konstruct init

Initialises the Cli by installing any libraries and extensions you might require to work with Konstruct. This command only runs once (usually when you run $ konstruct for the first time), and then simply displays a welcome screen.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/konstruct/konstruct.cli. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.