
Komenda is a convenience wrapper to run shell commands in Ruby.

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Run a command:


The run() method will block until the sub process finished.

It will expose the output and exit status as a Komenda::Result value:

result = Komenda.run('date')
result.stdout   # => "Tue Nov 26 14:45:03 EST 2013\n"
result.stderr   # => ""
result.output   # => "Tue Nov 26 14:45:03 EST 2013\n" (combined stdout + stderr)
result.status   # => 0
result.success? # => true
result.pid      # => 32157

The program and its arguments can be passed as an array:

result = Komenda.run(['echo', '-n', 'hello'])
result.output   # => "hello"

The run() method has a second argument options, which accepts these optional keys:

  • env (Hash): Additional environment variables to set.
  • reset_bundler_env (Boolean): Reset environment variables from your current Ruby bundle using Bundler.clean_env. Defaults to true.
  • cwd (String): Directory to change to before running the process.

Advanced usage

The create() method creates a Process which can be run() (or start()ed as a Thread).

process = Komenda.create('date')
result = process.run

Event callbacks can be registered with Process.on(), for example for when output is written.

process = Komenda.create('date')
process.on(:stdout) { |output| puts "STDOUT: #{output}" }
result = process.run

The following events are emitted:

  • .on(:stdout) { |output| }: When data is available on STDOUT.
  • .on(:stderr) { |output| }: When data is available on STDERR.
  • .on(:output) { |output| }: When data is available on STDOUT or STDERR.
  • .on(:exit) { |result| }: When the process finishes.
  • .on(:error) { |exception| }: When process execution fails (e.g. executable file cannot be found).


Install dependencies:

bundle install

Run the tests:

bundle exec rake spec


Add options for:

  • Passing STDIN
  • Making run() fail when exit status is not '0'