
Community-contributed Ruby client to the Kloudless API.

The Kloudless team plans to support an official Ruby SDK in the future.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'kloudless'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install kloudless


See the Kloudless API Docs for the official reference. You can obtain an API Key at the Developer Portal.

# Authentication using a Bearer Token obtained by authenticating a user.
Kloudless.authorize(token: "abc")

# Alternatively, use the line below for API Keys:
# Kloudless.authorize(api_key: "abc")

accounts = Kloudless::Account.list
 = accounts.first

 = Kloudless::Account.update(account_id: .id, active: false)
Kloudless::Account.delete(account_id: .id)


This gem uses semantic versioning, where a version number looks like:

v major.minor.patch

The major version tracks the version of the Kloudless API. For example, all versions that start with v1.x.y are compatible with Kloudless API v1.


To release this gem, look under the script directory. Check out jch/release-scripts for details.