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A Test Kitchen Serverspec Verifer without having to transit the Busser layer.

This is a first version. Currently it only supports running serverspec remotely on the server. It could be easily enhanced to run serverspec locally on your workstation. Also the installs don't cover all the possible options yet.


On your workstation add this line to your Gemfile:

gem 'kitchen-verifier-serverspec'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install kitchen-verifier-serverspec

When it runs it install serverspec on the remote server. This can be configured by passing a Gemfile like this:

source ''

gem 'net-ssh','~> 2.9'
gem 'serverspec'

this allows extra dependencies to be specified and the version of serverspec specified.


An example of the verifier serverspec options in your .kitchen.yml file:

  name: serverspec

  - name: base
      - modules/mycompany_base/spec/acceptance/base_spec.rb

See example

or with environment variables

  name: serverspec

  - name: base
      - roles/tomcat/spec/tomcat_spec.rb
      bundler_path: '/usr/local/bin'
      rspec_path: '/home/vagrant/bin'
        LOGIN_USER: vagrant
        SSH_KEY: 'spec/tomcat_private_key.pem'

Serverspec Verifier Options

key default value Notes
sleep 0
serverspec_command nil custom command to run serverspec
format 'documentation' format of serverspec output
color true enable color in the output
default_path '/tmp/kitchen' Set the default path where serverspec looks for patterns
patterns [] array of patterns for spec test files
gemfile nil custom gemfile to use to install serverspec
install_commmand 'bundle install' command to install serverspec
test_serverspec_installed true only run install_command if serverspec not installed
extra_flags nil extra flags to add to ther serverspec command
remove_default_path false remove the default_path after successful serverspec run
http_proxy nil use http proxy when installing ruby, serverspec and running serverspec
https_proxy nil use https proxy when installing puppet, ruby, serverspec and running serverspec
sudo nil use sudo to run commands
env_vars {} environment variable to set for rspec
bundle_path nil path for bundler command
rspec_path nil path for rspec command


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Run style checks and RSpec tests (bundle exec rake)
  4. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  5. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  6. Create new Pull Request