SparkleFormation driver for test-kitchen


Put this in your Gemfile:

gem 'kitchen-sparkleformation', git: ''

and run:

$ bundle


.kitchen.yml configuration:

  name: sparkleformation
  stack_name: kitchen-test
  stack_name_random_suffix: true
    - some_sparkle_pack
  sparkle_template: my_template_name
  upload_template: true
  s3_region: us-west-1
  s3_bucket: some-bucket
  s3_path: cloudformation/kitchen-tmp
    some_parameter: some_value
    :disable_rollback: true


Option Description Default Value Required?
stack_name The name of the CloudFormation stack to create. yes
stack_name_random_suffix If true, append a random suffix string to the given stack name. false
sparkle_path The path to a directory containing your SparkleFormation template files. 'sparkleformation'
sparkle_template The name of the SparkleFormation template to use. yes
sparkle_state A hash of compile time parameters that are passed to SparkleFormation. {}
sparkle_packs Array of SparklePacks to load before compiling the template. []
upload_template If true, upload the template to S3. Requires s3_region, s3_bucket. false true if using nested templates
s3_region Region of given S3 bucket. if upload_template is true
s3_bucket Name of an S3 bucket where templates are uploaded to. if upload_template is true
s3_path Path in the S3 bucket where templates are uploaded to. if upload_template is true
hostname_output Extract the hostname of an instance from the value of the given output. no
hostname_resource The stack resource to use to extract the hostname from. no
hostname_attribute The attribute of a the given stack resource to extract the hostname from. Can be '<physical_resource_id>' to use the Physical ID of the given stack resource (e.g. Route53 record). no
cf_params Runtime parameters to pass to CloudFormation stack. {} no
cf_options Additional options to pass to CloudFormation stack creation. See here. {} no

If neither hostname_output nor hostname_resource is given, the first EC2 instance in the stack is used to extract the hostname.

If hostname_attribute is set to something other than '<physical_resource_id>', the given hostname_resource must be an EC2 instance. See here for a list of available attributes. By default, private_ip_address is used.