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Kintsugi Ruby Style Guide

What is this?

One of the frustrations of working with Xcode together with Git is resolving conflicts in Xcode project files, i.e. the project.pbxproj file.

Kintsugi sets out to solve this exact problem: Automatically resolving Git merge conflicts occurring in .pbxproj files.

The end goal is for the tool to succeed 99.9% of the time, and let you resolve the real conflicts in a convenient way the rest of the time.

Kintsugi (金継ぎ) is the art of repairing broken pottery by mending it with gold. Wikipedia


Kintsugi understands the changes you've made to the .pbxproj file, so it simply resets the conflicts and re-applies those changes to it.

From a technical perspective, Kintsugi heavily relies on Xcodeproj. It uses its diff capability to extract the changes, and uses its project files editing capabilities to apply the changes.

Installing Kintsugi

$ gem install kintsugi

If you prefer to use bundler, add the following line to your Gemfile:

gem 'kintsugi', require: false


When there's a .pbxproj file with Git conflicts, run kintsugi <path_to_pbxproj_file>.

And see the magic happen! :sparkles:


See our Contribution guidelines.


  • XcodeGen: You can commit this JSON file into Git instead of the .pbxproj file. Then resolving conflicts is much easier.

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