Kindle Fortune

forthebadge forthebadge

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A Ruby CLI gem that provides fortune cookie messages on your Terminal, based on the highlights on your Kindle device.

Table of contents


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  1. With default arguments : kindle_fortune


  1. With path arguments : kindle_fortune [PATH]

[PATH] is the absolute path to your My collections.txt file of your Kindle device.


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  1. Install Ruby (preferably, version > 2.1)

  2. Install the kindle_fortune ruby gem with gem install kindle_fortune

  3. Preferably, install the cowsay CLI.

  4. Start using kindle_fortune :tada:


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Want to update to the latest version of kindle_fortune?

gem update kindle_fortune


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Want to uninstall and revert back to the old style? No issues (sob). Please feel free to open an issue regarding how we can enhance kindle_fortune.

gem uninstall kindle_fortune


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Your contributions are always welcome! Please have a look at the contribution guidelines first. :tada:


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The MIT License (MIT) 2017 - Athitya Kumar. Please have a look at the for more details.