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Kindah is an implementation of Parameterized Classes for Ruby.

Kindah is unreleased, pre-alpha software, use at your own risk.

Most of this README should work, but it's not yet well-tested, so be careful.


A parameterized class is a 'higher order' class, it's similar to (but definitely not equivalent or as powerful as) a dependently-typed class. If you're familiar with type theory (and particularly with haskell), it's analogous to a 'kind', but one rank lower. So whereas a rank-2 type is the 'type of types' and is built of types and other 'kinds' (ie, rank-1 and rank-2 types), these parameterized classes occupy some of the same space as dependent types (ie, rank-1 types which are parameterized by rank-0 types (that is, values)).

This library is not a rigorous implementation of any type system, it's merely inspired by the concept, and built for a very specific purpose. The static injection pattern.

Static Injection

Static injection is a type of dependency injection which happens once, generally at compile-time, or at interpretation/loading time for interpeted languages. Compared with setter/constructor injection, this is more akin to setter injection, but where the setter is promoted to the class itself. This is useful particularly where you need multiple versions of the same class which have different 'engines' which drive them. A motivating example is an Indexing interface for a database. Consider

class Index
  attr_reader :indexing_engine

  def initialize(indexing_engine = DefaultIndexingEnging)
    @indexing_engine =

  def insert(data)



Here, we use constructor injection to manage which indexing engine to use, however, this leaks the abstraction to an inappropriate place, it should never be possible to change the engine after it's been chosen the first time. In particular it expresses the wrong relationship. An index does not have a engine, an index, in some sense, is it's engine. That is, a BTree Index is a BTree, with some pleasant interface adhered to it. Similarly, a Hash Index is fundamentally a hashtable, with the same pleasant interface.

One method for accomplishing this type of abstraction in ruby is via modules, but Modules ought to expose cross-cutting functionality and ought to bear no statefullness of their own, and in the case of Index, there is a fair amount of desire to include some statefulness. Further, an aesthetic desire exists to invert this relationship to better express the dominant status of the Index over it's Engine. The solution that Kindah offers looks something like this:

 parameterized_class :Index do |engine|
   def indexing_engine
     @engine ||=

   def insert(data)




So, looking at that last line, you're probably thinking, "Okay, so what? You moved the BTree bit to the left." Yes. Precisely, I've also imposed a set of restrictions and implemented some pleasant features for talking about Index(BTree) as a type in it's own right. For instance, Index(BTree).new.is_a? Index will return true, but Index(BTree).new.is_a? Index(HashTable) will return false. Similarly, depending on defaults provided to the above block, Index will be an instantiable class.

Other uses

In this way you can hopefully see how to use this to manage some basic dependency injection problems, however, Kindah lends itself to other uses, one of the chief uses is metaprogramming based on values (rather than classes).

Consider the implementation of a classic Dependent Type, the finite vector.

A Vector is a list of length n with O(1) access to any element of the list for read or write, and at most O(n) memory use. A simple implementation in ruby is to metaprogram n 'slots' into a class, and wrap them in an interface so that the usual #[] and #[]= operations work as expected, with bounds checking and the like.

An implementation follows using pure ruby and using Kindah.

#pure ruby
class Vector
  attr_reader :order

  def initialize(order)
    @order = order

  def [](slot)
    bounds_check! slot

  def []=(slot, value)
    bounds_check! slot
    instance_variable_set("@slot_#{slot}", value)


  def bounds_check!(value)
    0 <= value && value < order


v =
v[0] = :test_value
v[1] = :please_ignore

v[0] #=> :test_value

#with kindah

parameterized_class :Vector do |size|
  def order

  def [](slot)
    bounds_check! slot

  def []=(slot, value)
    bounds_check! slot
    instance_variable_set("@slot_#{slot}", value)


  def bounds_check!(value)
    0 <= value && value < order

v = Vector(2).new
v[0] = :test_value
v[1] = :please_ignore

v[0] #=> :test_value

So... what's the difference? It's basically the same, arguably the latter is more complicated.

Well, there are a couple advantages beyond the aesthetic API the latter provides. First, in the former, we have to allocate some extra storage for the order, whereas in the latter it's hardcoded (via metaprogramming) into the class proper. Second, imagine an implementation of dot-product, which requires the two vectors to be of the same length. In the former, we must examine orders directly, eg:

class Vector
  def dot(other)
    raise unless order == other.order

In the latter case, we can check the class, which is only the same if the two instances were created via the same Vector(n) function, eg:

parameterized_class :Vector do |order|
  def dot(other)
    raise unless other.is_a?(self.class)

This becomes more valuable when you have a few of these parameters to throw around, for instance, imagine a n x m matrix class. In pure ruby, if you want to add two instances together, you must first ensure that it matches both width and height, with a kindah-based parameterized class, you can simply compare that the classes are the same. Essentially, it's poor man's type checking.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'kindah'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install kindah


TODO: Write usage instructions here


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  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request