
Simple Dashboard for Kimurai web scraping framework. Required version of Kimurai >= 1.2.0.


Add this line to your Kimurai project's Gemfile:

# add this line after `gem 'kimurai'`
gem 'kimurai-dashboard', require: false

and then execute $ bundle.


You need to provide stats_database_url to enable stats and save info about project spiders runs and sessions to a database. Format for a database url: You can use sqlite, postgres or mysql database (check Kimurai's project Gemfile and uncomment preferred gem).

Example for SQlite:

# Gemfile
gem 'sqlite3'

Note that dashboard should be required only after stats_database_url provided:

# config/boot.rb
# ...

Kimurai.configuration.stats_database_url = "sqlite://db/spiders_runs_#{Kimurai.env}.sqlite3"
# Important: require dashboard ONLY after stats_database_url was provided:
require 'kimurai/dashboard'

Also, there are optional settings for a dashboard:

# config/application.rb

Kimurai.configure do |config|
  # ...

  config.dashboard = {
    bind_address: "",
    port: 3001,
    basic_auth: { username: "admin", password: "123456" }


After successful configuration, all spiders (running individually kimurai start or in queue kimurai runner) will save stats to the database.

Run $ bundle exec kimurai dashboard and navigate to a dashboard url to see the stats.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.