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$ gem install keystok


require 'keystok'
require 'yaml' # Config is then easier

keystok ='das21312312_access_token')
# or config can be loaded from file:
# config = YAML.load_file('keystok.yml')
# keystok =

# get hash with all keys

# get one key

Rails integration

Add keystok to Gemfile:

gem 'keystok'

Keystok have generator that can create config and initializer for you

rails g keystok:install access_token_value

In Rails env Keystok will use Rails.logger. Without Rails it will default to logging to STDOUT. If you would like to define your own logger you can do it like:

Keystok.logger = your_logger

Config options description

api_host, auth_host

Those values are not needed by default. It can be required if you are using separated Keystok servers


This value is visible in API Access app tab in


When true, client will fetch all keys from API even when one was requested. This will save time when another key will be requested, because client will not have to fetch it from API. However in some cases like huge amount of keys or when volatile is set, this option should be set to false. Default value is true


If you don't want to use cache functionality, you can disable cache writing by setting no_cache to true in config


This dir will be used to store encrypted cache which can be used when API can't be contacted


Normally when asking about key that is in local store, SDK will not perform API request to provide quicker response. Request can be forced on per method call basis by second parameter set to true (default is false)

keystok.get('this_can_change_often', true)

However if you want SDK to make request on every request without adding true to every get or keys, you can set volatile to true in config. This will force SDK to ask API on every request. Please note that this will may decrese performance of you app since it will require API request and cache writing on every get and keys call

CLI client (since v1.1.0)

CLI client purpose is to be able to easily use Keystok in for example shell scripts when you already have Keystok Ruby SDK installed.

Example usage

Get key content:

$ keystok_rb -k my_key

Get keys list:

$ keystok_rb

Get all keys with content in CSV format:

$ keystok_rb -a dump

By default keystok_rb search for file with access token in ~/.keystok.yml. File format is just:

:access_token: access_token_value

It's named keystok_rb to not interfere with other SDK's and you are free to create symlink or RVM wrapper with any name you want.


-a --action

Possible values:

  • dump - get all keys with content and print output
  • get - print key content or list keys if -k is not used (default)

-c --access-token

Specify access token

-f --access-token-file

Specify access token filepath (default is ~/.keystok.yml) Example file format:

:access_token: access_token_value

NOTE: -c have higher precedence than -f

-i --init-token-file

When used with -c it creates token config file. It's an easy way to create config file while executing first command. Please note that -f have effect on this.

-k --key-id

Specify which key should be fetched when action is get

-t --dump-format-type

Possible values:

  • csv (default)
  • json
  • yaml

Prints all keys with their content in specified format

-h --help

Print help and exit