Tokyo Tyrant Cluster

Tokyo Tyrant is a network interface to the Tokyo Cabinet DBM. It provides replication by means of cmdline parameters. You have to remember and type long command to start HA DBM servers.

This is a simple administration tool for Tokyo Tyrant clusters. Just setup a pair of host:port and start. You have a replicated DBM cluster running.

How to install

Install the required packages of Tokyo Tyrant and Tokyo Cabinet.

Build a ttcluster gem package and install.

$ gem build ttcluster.gemspec
$ sudo gem install ttcluster-*.gem -l


First, create a base directory.

$ mkdir ~/ttcluster # -d default value

Then, setup a pair of replicated Tokyo Tyrant servers.

$ ttcluster setup localhost:2008 localhost:2009 # server 2008, master 2009
$ ttcluster setup localhost:2009 localhost:2008 # server 2009, master 2008

Check if the configuration of pair servers is valid.

$ ttcluster config # the master of the master of a server is the original server

Start all servers and you have replicated DBM servers.

$ ttcluster start  # default to 'all'

Control servers and play around.

$ ttcluster stop 2008                     # down 2008
$ ttcluster status                        # only 2009 is alive
$ tcrmgr put -port 2009 localhost foo bar # add 'foo' key on 2009
$ ttcluster start 2008                    # up 2008 and automatically replicated
$ tcrmgr get -port 2008 -pv localhost foo # see if 2008 has 'foo' key

Use help option for other commands.

$ ttcluster --help