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Getting started

Running Kaui

You can run Kaui locally using the sandbox script:

# Point to your killbill installation
export KILLBILL_URL=""
# Run the sandbox script
bundle exec script/sandbox
# Start the Rails app
cd sandbox
rails s

Mounting Kaui into your own Rails app

The Kaui gem comes with a kaui script to mount it in your existing Rails app.

Kaui expects the container app to define the current_user method, which returns the name of the logged-in user. This is used by Killbill for auditing purposes.

Finally, Killbill server needs to be running for Kaui to fetch its information. Set the KILLBILL_URL variable to point to your existing Killbill installation (e.g. The default login credentials are admin/password. Users, Credentials, Roles and Permissions are passed through to Kill Bill. It uses Basic Auth by default, but the backend is pluggable (LDAP, ActiveDirectory, etc.).


If you are using Kaui against a single tenant, specify your api key and secret in config/initializers/killbill_client.rb:

KillBillClient.url = ''
KillBillClient.api_key = 'bob'
KillBillClient.api_secret = 'lazar'

Sharing a Kaui instance across multiple tenants is not supported yet (you need to spawn one instance per tenant).

Running tests

Go into 'test/dummy':

cd test/dummy/

Run migrations:

export RAILS_ENV=test rake kaui:install:migrations rake db:migrate

Run the tests: (Move back to top level)

cd ../.. rake test

Note: functional and integration tests require an instance of Kill Bill to test against.


Working with the kaui script

In order to generate the Rubygems-friendly kaui script, you need to build the gem and install it locally.

First, build the gem in the pkg directory:

rake build

Then, install and run it from a local directory:

mkdir foo
gem install pkg/kaui-*.gem -i foo
GEM_PATH=$PWD/foo:$GEM_PATH ./foo/bin/kaui /path/to/rails/app --path=$PWD --skip-bundle

Alternatively, you can run the kaui script under bin by setting your loadpath correctly:

ruby -Ilib bin/kaui /path/to/rails/app --path=$PWD --skip-bundle