Getting started

Kaui core mountable engine. For Kaui the UI, see killbill-admin-ui-standalone.

Kill Bill compatibility

API version Kill Bill version
0.14.y 0.16.z
0.15.y 0.18.z

Running Kaui locally

You can run Kaui locally by using the test/dummy app provided:

bundle install
cd test/dummy
export RAILS_ENV=development
bundle install
rake kaui:install:migrations
rake db:migrate
bundle exec rake assets:precompile
rails server

Mounting Kaui into your own Rails app

The Kaui gem comes with a kaui script to mount it in your existing Rails app.

Kaui expects the container app to define the current_user method, which returns the name of the logged-in user. This is used by Kill Bill for auditing purposes.

Finally, a Kill Bill server needs to be running for Kaui to fetch its information (see the Configuration section below). The default login credentials are admin/password. Users, Credentials, Roles and Permissions are passed through to Kill Bill. It uses Basic Auth by default, but the backend is pluggable (LDAP, ActiveDirectory, etc.).


Specify your Kill Bill server url, api key and secret in config/initializers/killbill_client.rb:

KillBillClient.url = ''

Sharing a Kaui instance across multiple tenants is not supported yet (you need to spawn one instance per tenant).

Running tests

Go into 'test/dummy':

cd test/dummy/

Run migrations:

export RAILS_ENV=test
rake kaui:install:migrations
rake db:migrate

Run the tests: (Move back to top level)

cd ../..
rake test

Note: functional and integration tests require an instance of Kill Bill to test against.


Working with the kaui script

In order to generate the Rubygems-friendly kaui script, you need to build the gem and install it locally.

First, build the gem in the pkg directory:

rake build

Then, install and run it from a local directory:

mkdir foo
gem install pkg/kaui-*.gem -i foo
GEM_PATH=$PWD/foo:$GEM_PATH ./foo/bin/kaui /path/to/rails/app --path=$PWD --skip-bundle

Alternatively, you can run the kaui script under bin by setting your loadpath correctly:

ruby -Ilib bin/kaui /path/to/rails/app --path=$PWD --skip-bundle


KAUI has been enhanced to support multi-tenancy. In order to benefit from that mode, remove the properties KillBillClient.api_key and KillBillClient.api_secret from the config/initializers directory.

Admin User Roles

In multi-tenancy mode, there are two kinds of users:

  • The multi-tenant admin user, which has the rights to configure the tenant information (creation of tenant, add allowed users for specific tenant, upload catalog, ...)
  • The per-tenant admin user, which operates just a given tenant

Those roles and permissions are defined the same way other permissions are defined: The Shiro configuration (static config file, LDAP) in Kill Bill, will determine for each user its associated role, and the roles will have a set of available permissions. The new permissions have been created:


The enforcement in KAUI is based on the CanCan gem.

Multi-tenancy screens

KAUI has been enriched with new models and new screens to manage the multi-tenancy, and those are available for the multi-tenant admin user:

  • The kaui_tenants table will list the available tenants (from KAUI point of view); note that this is redundant with the Kill Bill tenants table, and the reason is that the api_secret needs to be maintained in KAUI as well, so listing the existing tenants from Kill Bill would not work since that key is encrypted and cannot be returned. A new screen mounted on /admin_tenants allows to configure new tenants. The view allows to create the new tenant in Kill Bill or simply updates the local KAUI config if the tenant already exists.
  • The kaui_allowed_users table along with the join table kaui_allowed_user_tenants will list all the users in the system that can access specific tenants. The join table is required since a given user could access multiple tenants (e.g multi-tenant admin user), and at the same time many users could access the same tenant. A new screen mounted on /admin_allowed_users allows to configure the set of allowed users associated to specific tenants.