
Because your code totally needed an Agile workflow.


Kanban provides tools to model task flow in distributed apps.

Create a Backlog

require 'redis'
require 'kanban'

backlog = Kanban::Backlog.new backend: Redis.new

Add some tasks to your shiny new Backlog

task = { 'foo' => 'bar' }
5.times { backlog.add task }

(Elsewhere) Stake a claim on a task from the backlog

task_id = backlog.claim  # Will block until there is a task, if the backlog is empty or all tasks are being worked.
details = backlog.get task_id

Mark a task as complete (or unworkable)

backlog.complete task_id
# or backlog.unworkable task_id
backlog.done? task_id  # => true

Claims expire after awhile (default 3 seconds), and become eligible to be worked by something else.