
Kanaui stands for Kill Bill Analytics UI. This is a mountable rails engine which allows to view the analytics dashboard. In order to work correctly:

  • Kill Bill must be running somewhere with the analytics plugin
  • Kanaui can be started locally or can be mounted in a rails APP.

Getting Started

You can run Kanaui locally by using the test/dummy app provided and interracting with a running version of Kill Bill along with the analytics plugin. In that mode, there is no support for authorization and no support for multi-tenancy. Instead, Kanaui will use the default user admin:password and rely on static configuration to provide the tenant apiKey and apiSecret.

Kanaui Configuration

Specify your Kill Bill server url, api key and secret in test/dummy/config/initializers/killbill_client.rb:

KillBillClient.url = ''
KillBillClient.api_key = 'bob'
KillBillClient.api_secret = 'lazar'

Running Kanaui

You can run Kanaui locally by using the test/dummy app provided:

bundle install
cd test/dummy
export RAILS_ENV=development
bundle install
rails server