
Ruby API to manage macOS Music tracks and playlists.

Important note for macOS Catalina (10.15) users: Apple dropped automatic XML library export you need to manually export your XML library to $HOME/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music Library.xml path to make kagu work properly.


Just add this into your Gemfile:

gem 'kagu'

Then, just run bundle install.


Displaying all tracks artist

library = Kagu::Library.new

library.tracks.each do |track|
  puts track.artist

Displaying all playlists and its tracks count

library = Kagu::Library.new

library.playlists.each do |playlist|
  puts "#{playlist.name}: #{playlist.tracks.count}"

Creating a playlist

library = Kagu::Library.new

tracks = library.tracks.select { |track| track.genre == 'Drum & Bass' && track.added_at > 1.week.ago }
library.playlists.create(name: 'Recent - D&B', tracks: tracks)

Finding some tracks

library = Kagu::Library.new
library.finder.find(artist: 'Serial Killaz', title: 'Walk and Skank').each do
  puts track.id

Configuring logger

In order to have some debug informations about what kagu does, you could configure its logger:

Kagu.logger = Logger.new(STDERR)

Executing test suite

This project is fully tested with Rspec 3. Just run bundle exec rake (after a bundle install).