
Yet another Rails admin? No, only a kadim!*

Admin is all about CRUD, right?

My biggest experience with admins is with RailsAdmin. I currently work with an application that makes extensive use of it and all my peers hate having to customize anything on it, me too!

If I have used administrate or trestle? Yes, I've tried it, but isn't reinventing the wheel super cool? In fact I believe a less DSL-focused admin would be better.

I just got annoyed at just criticizing existing solutions and decided to get my hands dirty to put my vision into practice.

* kadim: derived from "cadim", an expression from the brazillian mineiro dialect that means "a little bit".


In the current incarnation, it's very crud (no pun intended) and there is no configuration, everything works by convention.

For each model of your application will be generated a controller and their views, using the Rails generator scaffold_controller, using all columns present in your model. Relations, ActiveStorage attachments and other ActiveRecord methods added by gems are ignored.

Files are generated in tmp/kadim and loaded into memory, including views. This also has the advantage of allowing the gem to work in environments with ephemeral file systems.


You can manually copy kadim files and put them in the same path within your application. You will probably want to do this with the main kadim controller, to add safety rules, etc.

You also provide two generators to make this task easier.

rails g kadim: host
rails g kadim: host: scaffold_controller ModelName

The first one copies the basic kadim infrastructure to your application, ie the main controller, the main view and its layout, a helper and assets.

The second copies the files that kadim dynamically generates into your application, allowing you to have full control over controller and views implementation. This generator is a thin layer over the Rails scaffold_controller, but it only accepts the model name as a parameter, for attributes all fields of the model are used.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'kadim'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install kadim

Mount the engine (add to routes.rb):

mount Kadim::Engine, at: '/kadim'

And access http://localhost:3000/kadim


  • [x] Dynamic CRUD generation from application models
  • [x] Tasks to copy files form kadim to the hosted application
  • [ ] Add support to ActiveStorage attachments
  • [ ] Add support to belongs_to relationships
  • [ ] Add a beautiful look and feel


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.